603 Knuckle Puck

Contributing Writer

When winter’s cold finally takes control of New Hampshire’s lakes, ice is bound to happen. When water is able to support the weight of man and his machinery, winter occupations and sports take place. In the past, horses dragged heavy timbers across ice from island logging. Man depended on thick ice to get his job done. Winter sports were inevitable. Skating was one of the original winter sports besides skiing in New England. Families would don their skates and take to the smooth ice, gliding freely as if in flight. Later, the competitive side of skating was born and hockey became a winter event. As teams developed and skater honed their skills, skating became a serious game. Tournaments were born and people gathered to cheer on their home team. Today we have the annual Pond Hockey Classic so why not have a beer that celebrates it.
603 Brewery is located in Londonderry, NH and has enjoyed their share of success over the past 10 years in business. As with many breweries having the same beginnings, three friends shared their love of homebrewing together in college. Geoff and Tamsin finally married after graduation. Their friend Dan was in the wedding. A few years later, the three reunited and made a batch of homebrew together. During that effort, they exclaimed how it would be fun to make this hobby a livelihood. Plans and investments were procured and 603 became a reality. Today, they offer year-round beers as well as seasonal beers matched to their climates. In 2019, they opened their Beer Hall at Woodmont Commons in Londonderry where freshly brewed 603 beer and tasty food is served. 603 beer is distributed throughout NH and now in Massachusetts as well. Visit their website at 603brewery.com
Knuckle Puck IPA has been released for the past couple of years. Each year, its popularity has grown so it is now among the winter seasonal rotation from 603. It celebrates the Pond Hockey Classic tournaments held around the state in late January and early February. Hue is golden-yellow with a slight haze to it. An attractive white head presents itself upon a slightly vigorous pour and glass lacing is shortly evident. Aromas of pineapple, melon and grapefruit are aggressive which helps to balance against a slight bready malt. Much of the mouthfeel is gentle and clean with a dry and sharp finish, much of which is to be expected from an IPA. Overall, this 7% ABV beer is quite refreshing and will serve as a testament to 603’s quality.
Although BeerAdvocate.com has not yet rated this year’s version officially, followers of 603 have rated it last year as high as 4.01 out of 5.0 and proves the Knuckle Puck is a solid 603 contender. Skate to your heart’s desire but find this IPA while it is in season. Their slogan on each can delivers a clear message; Live Free, Drink 603!