AfterGlow Hard Kombucha

Contributing Writer

The British comedy group from the 1970’s, Monty Python, used to begin most skits with the following line; “And now for something completely different…”
I use this because because you all deserve to know about other things than double IPA’s and big stouts which this column has spent much time expounding on such items. Instead this week, I’d like to welcome you to a new and delicious product with medicinal qualities. Kombucha has long been a drink to help with stomach wellness by introducing good symbiotic cultures of bacteria and yeast. A bottle of regular kombucha, found in the health section of markets, is a living organism much the same way yogurt is alive. If it is left alone long enough, it will keep fermenting and produce some percentage of alcohol.
The knowledge of this ability spawned an idea to Jeff Weaber in 2007 as he began to produce hard kombucha in the basement of his Vermont farmhouse. His idea was to make a healthier choice from sodas using premium organic ingredients of tea, purified water and cane sugar. His efforts created Aqua ViTea and is realizing an amazing growth for health-conscience individuals making smart decisions in their daily diet. Aqua ViTea produce both non-alcoholic and hard kombucha and are gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan and paleo friendly. See their website

Cane sugar is used in making the alcohol content in other beverages like hard seltzers, lemonades and coffees. So using it to help make an attractive 5% ABV additive within a healthy drink seems to make perfect sense.
Two flavors shown here are Ginger Blue (ginger and blueberry) and Citrus Rush (grapefruit and blood orange). A third flavor, Hops & Dreams (hops and rose) was not available to sample. The nutritional facts on the 12 oz can read almost like those found on bottled water. All ingredients are certified organic and all contain green tea which is known for healthy refreshment. But the real kicker here is the taste. These drinks were so great tasting and perfect for being included in summer activities. Sparkling refreshment is the best way to describe what Aqua ViTea has to offer. And the thirsty public has responded with massive appeal. Offered across the thirds of the country, AfterGlow is on the verge of massive success (see this link
Although has rated this beverage, I’m sure you will want to explore their offerings. You can find it at Case-n-Keg in Meredith as well as other providers. Choose health when you are active and bring along AfterGlow!