Artist, Barbara Morse Opens Show in Meredith

Artist, Barbara Morse will display her work in an upcoming art show at The Galleries at 30 Main. An exhibit titled “Concepts in Sharp Focus” begins on Thursday, Aug. 18 and runs through Sunday, Aug. 28. An artist reception will be held on Thursday, Aug. 18 from 4 to 6 p.m. The public is welcome to attend and meet the artist.
“When you find the medium you truly love following the years of searching, with it comes the ability for expression. I believe my personal strength as an artist is working in graphite and have worked a long time to develop my specific style of realism and level of quality. I use Bristol Board with a smooth finish. Leads used are varied from HB to 4B. Acrylic paints are used in a wash when color is used to highlight a portion of the drawing. My pieces take anywhere from fifty to two hundred hours depending on the size and detail involved. I am in control of this medium, taking great pleasure in watching a piece come to life before me.”
“Developing an idea can come from anything around me as everywhere I look is a potential drawing. I enjoy taking the ordinary and putting them in unexpected surroundings or give an unusual perspective of the subject. My desire is to get the viewer’s thought process to extend beyond the natural order of things and to suggest a range of emotions from humor to hope. My work is meant to be studied at close range with the viewer moved to explore the connection between the image and the word. I challenge myself with each piece, isolate just a portion of a scene, object or person in sharp focus, develop a mood within it and transform it to a level of fine art. Beyond my family, it is my greatest joy.”
Located at 30 Main Street in Meredith, the Gallery is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., except for Tuesdays. For more information call 603-279-0057.