Burnt Timber Brewing & Tavern Releases New Cider And Ale

PHOTO: A new ale brewed at Burnt Timber called “How ‘Bout Them Smoked Apples,” is made from 100 pounds of apples from Cooper Farms in West Paris, Maine.
WOLFEBORO — A family-friendly 24-seat brewpub in downtown Wolfeboro that features rotating beers and a full food menu, Burnt Timber Brewing & Tavern recently released a new cider and ale.
“Sapsaicin” is a smoked habanero maple bourbon barrel aged cider and represents the latest in Burnt Timber’s small batch cider series.”
“We took habaneros from friend Kyle Clark’s pepper emporium in Pittsfield, smoked them in-house and blended them into a tincture with maple syrup,” said Owner Eddie Michno. “We then added it into cider aging in our maple bourbon oak barrel.”

The ale, “How ‘Bout Them Smoked Apples,” is made from 100 pounds of apples from Cooper Farms in West Paris, Maine.
“We cored and sliced the apples and then smoked them,” said Michno. “We then added the smoked apples to the kettle and fermented this beauty with kveik yeast.”
The ale also includes clove and allspice.
“It’s a perfect ale for this time of year,” he added. “We like to come up with new flavor profiles that are as approachable as they are fun, and I think we did that with these two offerings.”
To learn more about Burnt Timber Brewing & Tavern, located at 96 Lehner St., Wolfeboro, visit burnttimbertavern.com.