by Ken Gorrell, Weirs Times Contributing Writer Skeptics like me don’t believe in miracles, even when we see them. But I saw one last month. It wasn’t a dramatic parting of the sea or an…
by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer NEW YORK–In a stirring and substantive foreign policy address, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) presented his presidential vision for a new America. Calling for transformative leadership in…
by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer UNITED NATIONS–Defying dire polls, deflating many media pundits, and derailing a left-wing lurch from the Labor Party, Prime Minister David Cameron Conservative Party swept back into power…
by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer UNITED NATIONS—The targeted killings of journalists, the suffocating censorship in many countries, and the widening governmental controls on media activities, characterize the contemporary media landscape in large…
by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer UNITED NATIONS–The rhetoric reached the heights of the Himalayas, the pomp and pageantry evoked that of an operetta, but the political optics delivered a clearly focused political…
by Ken Gorrell, Weirs Times Contributing Writer April showers might bring May flowers, but the lies of April lumber into May like zombies, mindless and moldy. Advocates of those special April days called “Equal Pay…
by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer UNITED NATIONS – It’s been forty years since the wars in Indochina ended and the curtain dropped ushering in a new period of darkness for the people…
by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer UNITED NATIONS -There’s an urgent food crisis in communist North Korea, where shortages affect up to 70 percent of the population. According to an alarming new UN…
by Ken Gorrell, Weirs Times Contributing Writer Another year, another IEP meeting. Another wasted 45 minutes trying to salvage a student’s public school education by updating his ironically-named “Individualized Education Program” (IEP)
by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer UNITED NATIONS – Throughout the chaos, calamity and conflict which has befallen the Middle East, there are few groups which have come under such intense attack as…
by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer UNITED NATIONS– The Obama Administration and the tireless Secretary of State John Kerry endlessly strive to reach a nuclear “deal” with Iran.
by Ken Gorrell, Weirs Times Contributing Writer Another week, another news story about a public school failing its mission: “High school accused of massive grade-fixing scheme” screamed the headline in the New York Post.
by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer UNITED NATIONS – Afghanistan’s long and tortuous road to peace and reconciliation still seems a near mirage as an entrenched terrorist insurgency seems to rebuff political and…
by Ken Gorrell, Weirs Times Contributing Writer While serving as a Navy officer in Hawaii, a friend told me that I’d be happier and healthier if I lived the “aloha spirit” for which the islands…
IS Destruction Sweeps Ancient Sites by John J. Metzler Weirs Times Contributing Writer UNITED NATIONS–The barbarians are inside the gates of Nimrud, the ancient Assyrian city in northern Iraq now being plundered, pillaged, and bulldozed…