Celebrating The Mount’s 150th Anniversary At Lake Winni Museum

PHOTO: Model of the Mount built by Warren on display at the Lake Winnipesaukee Museum.
On Wednesday, August 24th at 7 PM, historian and ship modeler David Warren will give a talk on “The S.S. Mount Washington and WW II” at the Lake Winnipesaukee Museum. Since seating is limited, advance reservations are requested, by phone to 603-366-5950 or by e-mail to lakewinnipesaukeemuseum@gmail.com. This program is free for Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society members; for non-members there is a $5 fee.
Warren’s talk will trace the coincidences, calamities, and coverups in The Mount’s wartime history. His interest in Winnipesaukee steamboat history stems from his hobby making ship models; Warren currently has 24 models on exhibition in six Lakes Region museums. The Lake Winnipesaukee Museum displays his scale model of the SS Mount Washington II, which is recognized as the oldest steel passenger ship on a freshwater lake in the world.

The Mount has been cruising the Big Lake since 1872, and the Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society’s permanent collection features numerous images and objects representing this icon of Lake Winnipesaukee. From the original steam-powered sidewheeler to the 230-foot motorship cruising the lake today, the Mount Washington has been a fundamental part of life on Lake Winnipesaukee for 150 years.
The Lake Winnipesaukee Museum welcomes visitors to this season’s special exhibition celebrating The Mount’s 150th anniversary, which includes two paintings by renowned Lakes Region artist Peter Ferber, as well as photographs and ephemera loaned by Captain Jim Morash of Mount Washington Cruises. Located at 503 Endicott Street North, next to Funspot in the Weirs, the Museum is open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10 AM to 4 PM.