Coffee Stout by Concord Craft Brewing



Continuing along with our month-long journey of Stout beers month, we look at another awesome beer that provides so much flavor and enjoyment from our local providers within the state that is is not to be overlooked. The providers of this beer are making major headways into being among the best brewers in the state. So without further delay, we look again at Concord Craft.
Concord Craft Brewing renovated and beautifully restored an old brick building located at 117 Storrs Street, Concord. Owners Dennis Molnar and wife Beth Mayland had a vision to offer great tasting craft brewed beer in the Capital city. Along with their head brewer, Doug Bogle and others, this tribe of brewers and business people help to bring a dream to life. With at least 8 beers on tap at any one time, CCB gathers thirsty followers from near and far. Only open a little over a year, their fame is growing. Canning in 16 oz cans to preserve freshness and negate UV infiltration into the beer, Concord Craft is blazing an important trail of tasty brews for all of NH to enjoy.
Concord Craft Coffee Stout is a can full of enjoyment and memorable flavor. Rich cold brewed coffee from Wayfarers Coffee Roasters of Laconia, who provide the beans that make this Coffee Stout so delicious, are what helps to make this beer so pleasurable. Concord Craft adds nitrogen to their packaging to make this brew smooth and delectable. At 9.3% ABV, it is a beverage that adds excitement to the sharing of great and locally produced beer. Roasted chocolate and barely malts add to the flavor as hops are blended. It is best to understand the flavor profile they provoke. With a mocha head and extra dark mystique, this beer pours into a tulip glass rich and dark. Notes of coffee and chocolate great you as you approach the glass. The first taste is not nearly overstated as it could be given the flavor target. As a result, this stout is mellow, underestimated and deceivingly hospitable to those who partake. In other words, a 16 oz can four pack will set you back a few strides so beware. Very smooth and absolutely kind, this stout should be shared with friends and relatives.
Recently released, there is just an official rating by giving it 4.14 out of 5 which is rated as ‘Exceptional’. Others on and all agree that this is a solid winner.zYou should make it a point to visit Concord Craft Brewing when you are going through the Concord area. This friendly group of people are creating a path of satisfaction with their creations. You can find Capitol Craft Coffee Stout at Case-n-Keg, Meredith as well as many other solid providers. Seek them out and enjoy their offerings.


Jim MacMillan is the owner of WonByOne Design of Meredith, NH, and is an avid imbiber of craft brews and a home brewer as well. Send him your recommendations and brew news to

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