Dorado Double IPA from Ballast Point Brewing


As we step foot into 2017, many of us will commit to making life better for each other by trying to eat more healthily, exercise more often, spend more time with family and friends, be more kind, or try things that you might not have tried before. It is this last category which we focus on today. Finding new beers to partake of is why we take joy in the vast world of ever more interesting varieties. So let’s look at Ballast Point.
Way across the country in sunny San Diego, the Ballast Point Brewing Company has made its home since 1996. It was Jack White’s dream since his first try at homebrewing in 1992 to own a brewery. Completing his studies at University of California, Davis, to become a master brewer, White quickly increased his knowledge of crafting fine brews. In meager beginnings in the back of a homebrew supply store, Ballast Point was always aiming to grow. Moving to Scripps Ranch, the brewery quickly expanded. They soon needed an even larger space so they added a second location in the San Diego brewery and restaurant in 2013. Today, Ballast Point can be found across the country in 12 oz cans and bottles along with 22 oz ‘bombers.’ Their more than 20 different beers is a testament to their massive success.

Dorado Double IPA is an intriguingly hoppy beer with some unique ways to achieve bittering and flavor against malt profile. Hops are normally added only into the boil to achieve their balance against grain sweetness. Dorado adds hops even before the boil begins (during the steeping or mash of grains) and again after it is over to attain its gigantic flavoring. Golden hue, tiny haze and white luscious head make this treat tempting to adore. Your nose will follow the taste as you pick up citrus, grapefruit and a boozy character stemming from this 10% ABV and 91 IBU (bittering) drink. Beware of more than one…
Dorado is sold to us in 12 oz six packs and its sister brew, Watermelon Dorado, is worth trying as well especially in the summer months. All of Ballast Point’s beers are named for varieties of fish found in the nearby Pacific Ocean. Jack was an avid fisherman as well as brewer so it only stands to reason that BP uses ‘catchy’ labels to show off their creations. has officially rated Dorado as ‘Outstanding’ and awards it a 92 out of 100 and the Bros give it 94. Other followers are rating it as high as 4.89 out of 5.0.
You can find both at Case-n-Keg in Meredith and Laconia as well as other fine beer providers. Dorado is not fishy, just great tasting beer that will have you saying, “Cheers!”

Jim MacMillan is the owner of WonByOne Design of Meredith, NH, and is an avid imbiber of craft brews and a home brewer as well. Send him your recommendations and brew news to

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