End Of Summer Thirst Quenchers

Contributing Writer

Last week in this column, we departed from the usual beer review info in favor of summer thirst quenchers. Building on that principle, I wanted to alert you to two more trending drinks that are very popular with ‘Hard’ imbibing crowd. Now, we will get back to beer drinking soon, I promise. But you need to know about these two types of refreshing quenchers to be well versed in drinking just more than tap water. The spiked seltzer market is absolutely through the roof with product offerings. But I wanted to make sure you knew about the following two drink groups that are flying off the shelves; hard coffee and spiked coconut water + vodka or rum.
The term Hard is used to describe that there is alcohol content within. You’ve more than likely heard of products such as Mike’s Hard Lemonade or hard cider like Angry Orchard and so on.

The addition of new emerging markets in hard coffee makes for interesting alternatives. Even Pabst Blue Ribbon released a hard coffee recently. Because coffee is important in the early hours of each work day to many people (look at Duncan Donuts drive-throughs any morning), I find it interesting that an alcohol version of coffee is popular. It’s like going both ways at once; going up in energy and down or relaxed due to a 5% ABV. None the less, the market is there and increasing.
Twelve 5’s Rebel Hard Coffee is especially popular. It is available in four flavors; Mocha Latte, Vanilla Latte, Cold Brew and the seasonal favorite Pumpkin Spice Latte. All are between 4.2 and 5% ABV, are rich in natural flavors and made with 100% Arabica coffee. You’ll find them tasty and irresistible when you’re looking for something different to try. Browse their offerings and recipes for tasty Rebel mixed drinks at rebelhardcoffee.com
The other trending drink is from an Australian company known as CoCo. They use real coconut water, a bit of sparkling water and natural flavors along with either Triple-Distilled Vodka or White Caribbean Rum. Both are crystal clear, deliciously light and 5% ABV. Look over their energetic website; enjoycoco.com
Both of these fun beverages fit the end of summer activities and are a great way to have refreshing flavors on the move. You can find them at Case-n-Keg in Meredith as well as other fine beverage providers. Get yours and get active out there!