Fiddlehead’s Second Fiddle Double IPA

Contributing Writer

Now that we are slooooowly getting our freedom back to get out of our homes in New Hampshire, we may feel the need to race to our old hangouts (standing 6’ apart), and begin to enjoy what we used to take for granted. Yes, it is outdoor dining but at least it is among other people. Employees will greet you once again (masked) and take your order for food and drink. You’ll be able to get the food you like, not in a bag, but on a (paper) plate and drink in a disposable cup. It may not be the exact dinning experience you remember from last May, but at least we are striving to get back to the new normal.
With that said, our focus beer today comes from our friends over in Shelburne, Vermont who brew with amazing quality and know how to make great beer happen. Introducing Fiddlehead.
Fiddlehead Brewing Company opened its doors on the eve of 2012 in Shelburne just across the street from the classy Shelburne Vineyard (been to both). Fiddlehead is a brewer-owned business with brewmaster Matt Cohen at the helm. In their words, they brew “a lineup of approachable, multidimensional beers.” Originally in a different location with a 15 barrel brewhouse, their immediate success found them expanding and in 2017 moved into their new 10,000 sq ft brewery. The original space across from the vineyard is now their tasting room and gear sales home. They can and self-distribute throughout VT, NY, MA and NH. Look over their website at
Second Fiddle Double IPA has a gorgeous orangey hue, slight haze and sports a brilliant white head. As expected with a DIPA, the malt character keeps up with the piney and citrusy hop aromas and tastes. Orange peel, slight lime essence, and bready notes burst through. Hop bittering is moderate with a crisp finish upon your initial introduction. The more you enjoy Second Fiddle, the more you will appreciate its combinations of malt and dry hopped balance. Some would say that this brew has a bite while being slightly sweet at the same time as you become friends. The booziness is fairly well hidden in the 8.2% ABV beer so pay attention to your can count. has given Second Fiddle Double IPA an awesome ‘World Class’ rating, awarding it with 99 out of 100! Other contributing samplers rate it highly as well. Keep your eye on this brewery for sure. Though Fiddlehead Brewing has been around since 2012, it is really gaining traction with Second Fiddle fans.
You can buy 16 oz four packs of Fiddlehead’s Second Fiddle DIPA at Case-n-Keg in Meredith (they have a very good supply) as well as other fine beer providers. Each of their beers are highly revered in social media. If this is any indication of their future popularity, you will see much more of Fiddlehead in NH very soon!