Free “Lakes in Winter” Webinar Sponsored by NH LAKES Organization

Join NH LAKES on Wednesday, January 6, at 7pm, for the webinar “Lakes in Winter.”
Find out how our lakes freeze and what happens under the ice…and see and hear some strange and usual winter phenomena,
Bring your questions about what happens to lakes in winter and be ready to share your stories of strange things you’ve seen in and along the lake during winter.
This informative and fascinating session will be presented by Krystal Costa Balanoff, Conservation Program Coordinator, NH LAKES, and Andrea LaMoreaux, Vice President of Programs & Operations, NH LAKES.
This webinar is part of the “Explore Lakes with NH LAKES” webinar series—a monthly series being offered through spring 2021.
Make sure to tune in to these FREE webinars to learn about our lakes throughout the seasons, how wildlife survives changing temperatures, and more.
These webinars are FREE, but pre-registration is required, and space is limited. Visit to learn more and sign up.