Godmother Imperial Stout

Contributing Writer

Well, as we begin the close of 2020, we will probably want to just forget about it entirely. Most of us will say that this was unlike anything any of us has ever experienced. Yes, this may sound trivial or contrite, but none of us will soon forget the events that have brought the world to its financial knees and those people who are not with us today due to a tiny warrior called Covid.
We need a hero to save us! I’d love to see some mythical character come down to slaughter the evil virus. A fairy godmother to wave her magic wand and make these terrible microbes go away for good… and no, I am not equating the long-awaited vaccine with the fairy godmother. But this makes for great foreplay to our focus beer of the week; Godmother Imperial Stout.
Lord Hobo Brewing Company was founded in Woburn, MA, in 2015 by Daniel Lanigan. He chose a converted industrial space and constructed a castle-like front entrance to draw attention to their new digs. Lord Hobo packages all of their beer in 12 or 16 oz cans which helps preserve that ‘brewery freshness’ they seek to maintain. Distributed to 15 states, they are about to complete a 500 person capacity facility (Covid rules may hinder this a bit) and have plans for further expanding a Boston Seaport venue soon. In their words, “Craft beer is the most affordable luxury item and we are determined to bring that to your table!” You can find out more about their brews on facebook.com/lordhobobrewing or at their website; lordhobobrewing.com
I know we have covered a lot of porters and stouts lately here in these pages so please excuse me for just one more…
Godmother Imperial Stout is worth learning about. We New Englanders aren’t especially known for great stouts with a few exceptions. Great Britain has pretty much held that crown. But as our craft beer gets more crafty in America, we have experienced bunches of well made beers, including stouts come of age. Godmother is one of them. Luscious and roasty with an especially gentle mouthfeel, Godmother’s appeal is in its richness. A well balanced blend of dark malts and matched hop bittering allow this 12% ABV stout to be deceptively charming. A healthy mocha head sticks around for much of the first half glass adding layers of lacing inside the rim. Tastes follow the perceived aromas and life is good. Lord Hobo makes great beer and this is another shinning example of brewing excellence.
BeerAdvocate.com has officially rated this beer ‘Outstanding’ and awarding an 93 out of 100. Followers also rated it as high as 4.50 out of 5.0 telling us that Lord Hobo has a serious hit in a can. Find your four pack at Case-n-Keg and other providers of quality craft beer. Yes, we need a hero but in the meantime, Lord Hobo is helping us forget the past and focus on an optimistic 2021.