Granite Stout – 603 Brewery


Welcome to fall colors and a never-ending supply of new beers for this season. It seems New Hampshire comes alive in the fall, partly due to a change in climate and leaf color, and partly for the reason to drink different style beers. Octoberfest is upon us and so is pumpkin beer. But we are here to talk about bolder beers and we now focus upon stout…

603 Granite Stout_sml

603 Brewery, located in Londonderry, NH, offers year-round beers as well as seasonal beers matched to their climate change. Less than 36 months old, 603 has made a momentous mark in the NH craft beer scene. Starting as brewing friends from college, these folks decided to jump in to the emerging craft brew niche with gusto, creativity and a keen angle on NH beer styles employing names and places around NH as their beer varieties. They are today a 30 AND 60 barrel brew house exclusively sold in NH and distributed widely throughout the state in cans, 22 oz. bottles, growlers (half gallon bottles) and kegs for restaurants and taverns.

Visit them at their website at

Stout, to some of the more timid imbibers, means a “no thank you” but to the bold and curious, stout means “well, let me try that…”

So 603’s Granite Stout, in it’s third year of production, is a mouthful of flavor and maltiness. It is rewarding with each sip and keeps your attention throughout the entire 22 oz bottle. Pouring this gem into a pint glass, you’ll first notice its depth of color… not quite black, but darn close. The khaki head stays through most of your pint with generous lacing. Many notes of dark chocolate, coffee and roasted malts embrace your senses with creamy goodness at your lips. The taste of this beer will tell you that 603 has it’s game-on here. It is their darkest offering but their brightest achievement. Again, it will have your full attention! Among any of NH’s great stouts, this has to be one of my all-time favorites and, rated at 8% ABV, will stay there.

There is mystique to this beer that traps and holds you long after you have completed the contents. folks have all unofficially rated this one over 4.0 out of 5.0 which points out that you should try this before it leaves for the season! You can find this and many more at Case-n-Keg in Meredith and Laconia and other fine craft beer providers. Tis the season to stout!

Jim MacMillan is the owner of WonByOne Design of Meredith, NH, and is an avid imbiber of craft brews and a home brewer as well. Send him your recommendations and brew news to


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