Henniker Brewing Co’s “Company” Belgian Quad

by Jim MacMillan, Weirs Times Contributing Writer
Welcome to this new weekly brew review and to those who cherish the love of beer!
Here each week, we will attempt to give you an honest description of the weekly beer, its brewery in which it came from and their attributes, while keeping it real and not snooty. This we owe you as you embark with us through the myriad of ever evolving craft breweries around the country and beyond.
Henniker Brewing Company is located in Henniker, NH. Founded in 2011, HBC has captured the attention of craft beer lovers in the NH beer scene. They are today a 15 barrel and 30 barrel brew house exclusively sold in NH and distributed widely throughout the state in 22 oz bottles, growlers (half gallon bottles) and kegs for restaurants and taverns. Visit their website at www.hennikerbrewing.com
“Company” is their 2nd anniversary celebration brew.
Belgian-style beers are in a class by themselves as they portray a specific, almost fruity-sweet taste and heady flavorful mouthfeel. When you pair these characteristics with a high-gravity (higher alcohol by volume), you are in for a treat. Add in also that the Company is aged with toasted cherrywood from rum barrels and gives you a very unique taste. At 10.5% ABV and an IBU (International bittering unit) of 25, this 22 oz bottle is a big beer!
This beer is to be poured into a “tulip” glass to get the fullest enjoyment of both taste and smell at your first sip. With a chestnut amber color and slight off-white head, you’ll first notice toasted malt, Belgian sugar, and plum notes. The faint rum taste is found toward the end of your sampling. This medium body brew has a sweetness that will grab your attention.
Being a seasonal, you will want to find this one quickly; they just don’t last. It is still available at Case-n-Keg, 5 Mill St, Meredith. Many on BeerAdvocate.com have rated this beer 4.75+ out of 5… meaning this is truly a remarkable beer!
Jim MacMillan is the owner of WonByOne Design of Meredith, NH, and is an avid imbiber of craft brews and a home brewer as well. Send him your recommendations and brew news to wickedbrews@weirs.com.
The Wicked Brew Review is sponsored by Case N’ Keg of Meredith, NH, where they stock over 4,000 different flavors of beer. Visit www.case-n-keg.com for more information about their in-store beer tasting events schedule.