HOP SLINGER IPA – Henniker Brewing Co


We are fortunate to live in a state that is proud to say we are the largest consumer of beer in the nation… or at least if you are proud of NH and love your local craft beer varieties! In the fall season, we tend to venture into unknown waters to find new selections to try and maybe taste a beer that draws our attention… thus the reason for this article! Henniker Brewing Company is located in Henniker, NH. Founded in 2011, HBC has captured the attention of craft beer lovers in the NH beer scene with their 15 barrel capacity. But they had bigger plans and today are a 30 barrel brew house exclusively sold in NH and distributed widely throughout the state in 22 oz bottles, growlers (half gallon bottles) and kegs for restaurants and taverns.

Visit their website at http://www.hennikerbrewing.com

Henniker_Hop Slinger_sml

“Hop Slinger” is a hop lover’s oyster bar of variety. The international hops in this are listed as German Magnum, New Zealand Kohatu, and American El Dorado… so two of these I’ve never heard of!

Depending on when hops are added to the boil defines the bittering or aroma of the beer style. The earlier you add hops, the more bitter the beer tastes. If you are trying to design your brew around a style, then you don’t vary much from that style. But if you are trying to define a new direction with a creative twist of sorts, then the recipe is open to interpretation.

Deep honey colored with a massive haze, this beer is less on malt character and more on hop character. The off white head stays fairly long through the experience. Your nose will pick up floral notes of peach, pineapple and mandarin orange. The first sip tells you this is a slightly malty India Pale Ale with a late bittering that might be described a peppery. I enjoyed this beer with some spicy food (as the label suggests) and found it was a good matchup. My particular bottle had what appeared to be hop particles remaining in the pour. If this aides in the bittering, then a brilliant brewer has struck a chord with their public. If not, then you may want to check the brew date if you can find it on the label… I was not able to do so.

As a year-round beer, you will want to find this one available at Case-n-Keg in Meredith and Laconia. It’s is worth investigating, especially if you like IPA’s.

Jim MacMillan is the owner of WonByOne Design of Meredith, NH, and is an avid imbiber of craft brews and a home brewer as well. Send him your recommendations and brew news to


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