It’s Snowtime!

PHOTO: It is Snowtime! More and more New Hampshire resorts have opened for the season. Pats Peak’s opening day was Friday, December 1st. Young and old came out to ski and snowboard on the mostly man-made snow. Three cheers for the snowmakers! The snow conditions are very good. Check out Pats Peak’s Snow Report at

by Amy Patenaude
Outdoor/Ski Writer
We’re off to a good start for snowsports. Last month Mother Nature gave snow, took away snow and then gave snow again. Luckily we have had plenty of splendid snowmaking weather–cold dry nights so many resorts are now open.
Friday, December first was their opening day and it was for season passholders only.
Opening day for everyone else was the next day on Saturday. I waited for my first ride to the top this season along with other season passholders. It was fun to see parents and their excited children eager to get going. Happy faces everywhere indicated the children weren’t the only ones excited.
New this season the ticket checker was using a scanner.
I was in the singles line and ended up riding up with a couple of New England College ski team members. They were chatting with one another about the upcoming season and so happy to be skiing before their afternoon classes. Their team was out skiing with their coach.
The snow conditions were excellent. I skied straight off the lift and went right down Duster.
The only other tracks in the snow ahead of me were made by the ski patrol before they opened the mountain. The cold groomed packed powder snow felt dreamy under my feet. I made a lot of nice easy turns.

My next lift ride up I was paired with a Dad who let his son skip school to join him. He explained that his son was doing well in school and he’d make up the work. This day was a day of skiing that shouldn’t be missed.
The Truant Officer would have had a hay-day rounding up the school skipping kids!
I skied over to the Valley to check out what was happening in the terrain park. Jumps and rails were positioned in the middle of the trial. There were a few kids doing tricks. Certainly on Saturday these features would be mobbed with young thrill seekers.

I made a lot of runs and turns on the soft snow. The sun was out bright and it wasn’t too cold. I would have liked to have stayed the whole day. But my legs knew better. I will be back soon.
It isn’t too late to sign up a team for Pats Peak’s Adult/Corp Racing League, it’s held four nights a week, Monday through Thursday. Teams of 7 racers, all or any combination of skiers, telemarketers and snowboarders are welcome. Captain’s meeting is December 12th, so hurry and get a team together.
Two weeks ago Charlie and I went to Killington to watch the women’s World Cup races. The racing was exciting. We witnessed Mikaela Shiffrin win the Killington Cup Slalom on Sunday along with 18,000 other cheering fans. This was Shiffrin’s 90th World Cup victory, no one has won more alpine skiing world cup races than Shiffrin. Will she reach a 100?

We cheered for all the women but we did cheer louder for all the women representing the United States. USA team member Zoe Zimmermann of Gilford, NH ( Penny Pitou’s granddaughter) raced hard but she didn’t finish her slalom run. Vermont’s Paula Maltzan finished 8th place overall.
Shiffrin said the roar of the crowd was loud even at the top of the race course and it gave her goosebumps.
There was music between the first and second runs. The base of the ski areas was turned into a village of vendors. We saw people waving flags from ski countries from all over the world. We ran into many ski friends and old college pals. I am definitely going back next year.
Have fun!
Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or suggestions to her at: