Lagunitas The Waldo’s 2020

Contributing Writer

This has been the most interesting springtime that I can ever remember, I guess that goes for almost all of us. But putting that all aside, I love the promise of spring! That sweet time when everything greens up, just before the black flies appear and Ice-Out is called. April has so many great moments to offer. The lake’s ice turned to green diamonds and vanished. People are out walking and hiking (carefully at 6’ apart) and the promise grows. April is also the time when one beer is released to adoring fans. I am referring to The Waldos of course.
Lagunitas Brewing Company, Petaluma, CA, is a slightly quirky set of people bent on bringing your the very best and varied beer you might ever taste. Owner Toby Magee admits he has been curious of how people affect beer. So he creates circumstances where people can enjoy beer while they are… being people. Each of their offerings is special and oddly named, but that’s the fun they put into each can or bottle. In his own words, beer speaks, people mumble. Look at their unique website,
The Waldo’s is more of a story that became a tremendously revered beer. Waldo packs a punch coming in at 10.8% ABV this year (11.7% last year) and 100 IBU’s (bittering scale). It is sold in 12 oz six packs (surprising for NH’s strict total volume ABV limit). It’s slightly hazy golden and delicious hue, short-lived but off-white head, and malty aroma tells you that you are in for a real treat. With 6 very potent bittering and flavoring hops, Waldo takes shape as a triple ale that will not let you down. The rewarding flavor profile of the hop combinations bring aromas of mango, pineapple and lots of citrus peel. Your first taste backs up your senses as you experience wonderful fruit goodness. Malt choices helps make this beer so full and enjoyable.
Sometimes referred to as their 420 beer, the number refers to 4:20 pm when high school friends would gather after school looking for the fabled secret garden on treasure map. They called themselves the Waldos. These same friends later became brewers at Lagunitas. This beer release, always in April, is looked forward to by so many Lagunitas fans. It is a celebration of brewing genius and a commitment to loyal friends alike. Their story is even printed on the label if you look for it. has officially rated The Waldo’s as ‘World-Class’ and awards it a 96 out of 100. You can find a good supply of The Waldo’s Special Ale (while it lasts) at Case-n-Keg in Meredith and other fine beer providers. So, get out there and find yourself The Waldos and create your own secret garden!