Last Night Wolfeboro Updates

After months of planning Last Night Wolfeboro 2020 for December 31st, virtual games, music, magic and storytelling will take place, but fireworks have been cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns.
The virtual celebration marking the end of 2020 is being finalized. Last Night Wolfeboro 2020 organizers are inviting people of all ages to enjoy an online New Year’s Eve day of interactive games, magic, music, storytelling and more. The Last Night Wolfeboro scavenger hunt along the Main Street shopping area is also scheduled pending any final changes.
Zoom links for Last Night Wolfeboro will be available @WolfeboroLastNight on Facebook a few days before December 31st. As the event schedule and plans are finalized, committee member Maria Found, a veteran Brewster instructor and tireless volunteer for many organizations in Wolfeboro will host live games and shows starting with a scavenger hunt on a Zoom channel arranged by Brewster.
. Entertainers scheduled to appear on the Zoom channels include:
String Equinox, featuring local musicians Beverly Woods and Shana Aisenberg who’ve performed throughout the Lakes Region and at the Wolfeboro Area Farmers Market.
•Stacey Kelleher: singer, songwriter, musician from Ossipee, NH now living in Nashville, TN.

•Simon Brooks (above): Renowned, award-winning storyteller presenting an original story for the Last Night Wolfeboro audience (recommended for ages 8 and up).
•Emma Jedow: New Hampshire resident and passionate singer, songwriter, musician, and mental health advocate.
•Dan Chan and Company: an internationally renowned, award-winning magician.
•Andrew Long – New Hampshire-based comedian
•Yu Koriki (below): captivating magician and Brewster alumnus; now attending Northeastern University in Boston.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, events may be subject to change and will be updated via social media and the Wolfeboro town web site.