Letters From God – 02/11/2021

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA. Every attempt is made to express thoughts according to statements made by God in the Bible. It is written so that we may remain one Nation under God by always following His will, in order to continue to enjoy His blessings of individual and national life that only He, the source of life, can give.

Why do I need you? I have everything I need here and now.

I’m seeing less and less of you in worship and hearing less and less from you in faith and prayer, since you’ve grown so prosperous and wealthy. (Deuteronomy 8:1—18) I thought I should initiate a direct conversation through a series of letters to answer your questions to try and win you back to your senses and to me, your Creator God.
Do you realize that I made you? I have given you both physical and spiritual existence and I have also blessed your nation so that it is the most prosperous and prominent nation in the history of the world (Deuteronomy 15:7).
I did this because from your inception, unlike any other country throughout world history, you dedicated your national existence on the Mayflower ship to know and serve me and to trust in my Son, Jesus, whom I gave as your Savior.
I know you have never been perfect but as you have grown more and more wealthy, as a result of my blessings, you’ve walked farther and farther away from me. You have done what Israel, and other nations, did when they forgot me, and made themselves God and as a result followed other god’s that were never God (Isaiah 53:6).
Doing this, they began to live in ways that were contrary to my ways and will (Isaiah 65:2).
You must understand that because I am God, I am the source of life. Walking away from me may appear to be insignificant but it robs you of the blessings of life, only I can give. When an airplane loses fuel at 35,000 feet it is still flying but it begins a slow and certain descent that always ends badly. To the passengers, the descent may be imperceptible, but the results are always the same (Deuteronomy 8:19).
So, I write to try and stimulate you to wake up and recognize you are not God. To understand that it is only the Nation that exalts me as God, that will be blessed (Psalm 33:12). To ask you to consider coming back to me, forsaking your foolish ways, and building your national existence on my resources that will restore you and cause you to flourish as you face your future (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).
I look forward to more conversations in the days ahead. Please keep your mind and heart open to me and my word. I remind you that one day each of you will stand before me and you will begin eternity (Amos 4:12).
Plan now to make that day a day of life that will last forever. As more and more look to me for life, I will also bless your nation with life, blessings and continued prosperity.

I love you,

“Letters From God’ is written by New Hampshire Pastor.

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