Letters From God – 02/18/2021

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA. Every attempt is made to express thoughts according to statements made by God in the Bible. It is written so that we may remain one Nation under God by always following His will, in order to continue to enjoy His blessings of individual and national life that only He, the source of life, can give.
What makes you think you are God? Why are you God alone? Why are you “better” than other gods?
What a great question? What an important question? If I am not God, and if I am not uniquely and solely God, I am an imposter whose words will ultimately hurt you more than help you. I wouldn’t give these responses to your questions, the time of day. On the other hand, if I am God and God alone, you will want to listen very closely and follow my counsel even more diligently.
First let me remind you of an inviolable law, the law of Non-Contradiction. It states: if X is in conflict with Y than, either X is wrong and Y is right or X is right and Y is wrong or they are both wrong. They can never be both right. If someone held up a “yellow” No 2 pencil and one person said it was yellow & another said it was green, either yellow is right and the green is wrong or the green is right and yellow is wrong, but they can never both be right. In light of this inviolable law, when I say I am God alone, and others say they are God, either I am right, and they are wrong, or they are right, and I am wrong, or we are both wrong. We can’t both be right. You must also consider that the term God assumes supreme being. None higher. No two gods can be supreme at the same time.
With this as a vital starting point let me tell you one of many reasons why I am God and why you therefore should listen very carefully in the weeks ahead to my answers to your questions. In case you don’t know, I have written you a book that purports to know the past and the future. It is called the Bible. In it I predicted, sometimes thousands of years before events happened, that they will occur precisely as I promised. Consider that only God, who stands outside time can know the events of the past and the future. Isaiah made this very clear and affirmed, that the one who knows and declares these events from the past, when no one was around to witness them, or declares the future, when no one has been there yet, has to be God (Isaiah 44:6-8; 45:18-21; 46:9-11; 48:3-6).
Let me give you one very important example.
After, Adam & Eve disobeyed me and began their death march that was passed on to all humanity, I promised to send a Savior who would rescue all who chose to return to me from the death grip of the Devil (Genesis 3:15). Throughout the entire Old Testament, I revealed, through prophecy, over 300 details of the coming of my Son, Jesus, who would give His sinless life to pay your debt of sin to restore you back to me and to life that will last eternally. These details were beyond the ability of anyone to fabricate since they included the time (Daniel 9:24-27) and place (Micah 5:2) and means of His birth (Isaiah 7:14) and His substitutionary death (Psalm 22; Isaiah 53) and of course His resurrection (Psalm 16:9-10; Isaiah 53:10-11).
The odds of even 8 of these events being fulfilled by one person have been calculated by a mathematician.* He calculates it would be 1×10 to the 17th power. To illustrate these odds of any one person fulfilling only 8 of the over 300 prophecies, it would be the equivalent of spreading silver dollars over the state of Texas 2 feet thick. Then marking one and asking an individual who is blindfolded to have one chance to pick that coin.
If you think that is something, you wouldn’t believe what I have prophesied for the second coming of my Son, when he will come not to die as a substitute for sin but to reign as King of Kings as He consummates human history. If you could only see, you would be astounded at these events and the way the world is moving rapidly toward them.
I wish we had more time and space to talk but I will speak more in the weeks ahead. I am God, and this is only one evidence of my credentials as God.
If you haven’t yet opened my book, the Bible, I would encourage you to start today. As you do, list questions you may like to ask. I’ll give a summary of my book in my next letter in response to a question another has asked. Please know that I love you and I long to have you return to me so I, as a loving heavenly Father, can pour out my blessings of life on you, now and forever.
*Stoner, Peter W. Science Speaks. Chicago: Moody Press, 1963, pp 100-107.
“Letters From God’ is written by New Hampshire Pastor.