Letters From God – 03/04/2021

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA. Every attempt is made to express thoughts according to statements made by God in the Bible. It is written so that we may remain one Nation under God by always following His will, in order to continue to enjoy His blessings of individual and national life that only He, the source of life, can give.
God, why don’t you reveal yourself and why are you so silent. Shouldn’t you be front and center and with us as we go through the difficulties of life?
With respect to the question above you need to know that I have never been away from you. In fact, if you were to read Psalm 139, which I ask King David to write, you will understand how near and how intimately aware I am of your life and your needs. I am God and I have no human limitations of time, space and knowledge.
As the text says, “Where can I flee from your presence?” (Psalm 139:7-12) and “You are familiar with all my ways.” (Psalm 139:3) and “you perceive my thoughts from afar.” But I know this begs the question, why haven’t I revealed myself to you.
Actual I, sent my Son, who being God, stepped into your human history and walked among you. He came to show you His and my nature as God. He also came to offer His sinless life as a substitute for your sins (Mark 10:45).
You see as God I have no sin. When you sinned it separated you from me. It was the natural consequence that occurred, just as I tried to warn your first parents, Adam & Eve (Genesis 2:16-17).
Since I am the source of life, they and all who have sinned, even once, are dying. When my Son, Jesus, was put to death, because He was without sin, he became an innocent substitute for your sins, he paid your penalty (2 Corinthians 5:21). For all who ask Him to pay their penalty, all your sins are forgiven, and you can be restored to a relationship with me, your Creator (John 1:12).
I also want you to know that I not only visited you when my Son walked this earth but even though you can’t see me, I have never left you and see your every movement.
If you look at my word, the Bible, you would see that I was with Adam & Eve in the garden before they sinned Genesis 2:7), with Cain to warn him before he took His brother’s life (Genesis 4:6-7), with Abraham as he became the progenitor of my chosen people through whom the Messiah, Savior, my Son would come (Genesis 12), with Noah to close the door of the ark and protect Him, His family and the future of the human race (Genesis 7:16), with the 3 boys in the burning furnace in Babylon (Daniel 3:24,25), with the Disciples when they feared my Son was dead and had left them alone (Luke 24:13-15), and with Paul as he was alone in the dark dungeon before his death (2 Timothy 4:16-18).
If you will open your eyes of faith you will realize I am with you.
Finally, I want to remind you that I created you like me, without sin. In that condition you would be able to behold me in my glory. My glory radiates light as bright as the Sun. I live in unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6:16). Just as you can’t look at the Sun without being injured, because of sin, you can no longer look directly at me. Even Moses could only see my passing glory because of the limitations brought on by sin (Exodus 33:19-23).
I can’t tell you how much I long to have you see me again and be with me for eternity. If you open your heart and come back to me, and receive my Son’s sacrifice for your sins that separated you from me, I will forgive you, receive you and give you my Spirit, who is God, to be with you (John 1:12). Then, at the moment of your death, you will see me, and I will carry you through the valley of the shadow of death and you will enjoy me and eternal life forever (Psalm 23:4; John 3:36).
I trust this answers your question.
I look forward to speaking with you again soon.
I love you,
“Letters From God’ is written by New Hampshire Pastor.