Letters From God – 03/25/2021

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA. Every attempt is made to express thoughts according to statements made by God in the Bible. It is written so that we may remain one Nation under God by always following His will, in order to continue to enjoy His blessings of individual and national life that only He, the source of life, can give.
Why is Easter so important to you? Is it really about a Bunny?
Thank you for asking. I am so grieved you had to ask me this and that it’s become a secular celebration of a Bunny instead of a Lamb. This day of remembrance is in fact, the most important event in human history and also in your temporal and eternal life. Let me explain why.
I created you as a person who lives in a body uniquely fitted for you. I created you to know me and enjoy a relationship with me, the source of life. Since I know no death, you would have lived forever in the body I gave you (Genesis 2:7). But you are dying, physically, mentally, emotionally and morally. I loved you enough to make you with free will so you would not be robots, forced to love and obey me. You, however, used your free will to choose to disobey me and reject me and thereby make yourself and others who are not God, gods (Genesis 3:1-7).
As a result of being separated from me, the source of life, death is your constant companion and your destiny. Soon you and every human being will close your eyes and leave the body that has been your home since birth. You will then begin an eternity in one of two places. If you are in a relationship with me, you will enter into my presence and life for eternity. If you are not in a relationship, you will be given your choice and though you will live on for eternity it will not be in the realm of eternal life but with those who will share their eternal destiny with the Devil. He is the author of death who not only rejected me but also deceived you away from me (2 Corinthians 11:3). Your eternal existence will be in an environment where only evil exists and all of the horrible behaviors and problems resulting from sin, that plagued you and others in life, will be unleashed upon all without mitigation.
Stick with me and soon you will see the significance of Easter.
You can’t change your destiny on your own. You have disobeyed me not once but many times. I am without sin and it’s only if you are without any sin, or acts of disobedience to me and my holiness, even one, that you have a relationship with me. In this condition you will be separated from me and life for eternity (Psalm 49:7-9).
Please understand however that what you can’t do, I did for you, because I love you (Psalm 49:15). I sent my son, Jesus, to visit your earth to change your condition and provide for your need to be perfect. I did this by having my Son remove your sins, all of them, so that they would not be held against you and you could be restored to a relationship with me.
How? Since he was and is God, he was also eternal and without sin. He was the only person to walk the earth, who was without sin. He became your Savior by offering his perfect and eternal life to die in your place and pay for your sins. He was the perfect Lamb of God, who’s substitutionary death was accepted by me, as sufficient to remove the penalty of all your sins (2 Corinthians 5:21).
If you ask my son to pay your penalty, he will apply his sacrificial death as your substitutionary payment for all your sins. As a result, I will no longer see your sins and I will welcome you back into a relationship with me. I will see no criminal record because my Son will remove your crimes against me, a holy God.
Now can you see the importance of Easter. It’s very simple. If Jesus, my Son, had stayed in the grave he wouldn’t have been God, but only a mere man, who would have been sinful as you are. He would have been an imposter and a deceiver. But when he arose from the grave three days later, conquering death, he confirmed he was God and also that he was able to pay your eternal debt that separated you from me.
Now listen carefully!!! Because he lives, you will live forever, if you trust him to be your Savior (1 Corinthians 15:12-19). He’s alive! Talk to him today and ask him to pay your debt, forgive your sins and give you life.
Easter is not about a Bunny but a Lamb, the Lamb of God, my Son, who lived, died and was raised to give you that life.
I love you and long to have you back home,
‘Letters From God’ is written by a New Hampshire Pastor