Letters From God – 08/25/22

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.
QUESTION: If We Are Going Against Your Will, Can We Win?
No! It may appear so for a while, but you can’t win.
Let me share with you a proverb I asked Solomon to include in my book, the Bible. “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.” (Proverb 21:30) When you reject me and determine to live without me, you are by definition, a fool. “The fool has said in his heart there is no God.” (Psalm 14:1a) You are a fool because you know you are not God and at the same time, you do know that I am God. (Romans 1:18-19) You are a fool because I am Almighty and you are so weak, one day someone will have to carry you to the grave. You are a fool because you think you can rebel and defeat me and my purposes with your puny power. You are a fool as well because the reason you have said, “there is no God,” is because you are “corrupt,” and your “deeds are vile.” (Proverbs 14:1b).
What you, as a Country and individuals, are practicing is godless and vile. You have broken all my commandments and supplanted them with your abominable practices. When you continue in your sins, knowing you are not God, you have a choice. Either acknowledge me and live in guilt or try to eliminate me by saying, “there is no God.” When you choose the latter, you in effect only smash the warning light flashing in your life to alleviate any guilt or shame. As you know, you may smash the warning light of impending danger, but you only hasten the day of your sudden demise because that light indicates a very real problem.
It is amazing how your pride can blind you to your stupidity. You foolishly made yourselves a god and also make other gods that you bow down to and think that simply because you made them, they’re equal to me, the one true God. I am the creator of the heavens and the earth. I created everything by only speaking the words and everything was brought into existence (Genesis 1,2).
Can you imagine the greatness, the power and the majesty that I possess to enable me to do this? My power is limitless and you who think you are gods are but wind up tinker toys in comparison. To think you can overcome and defeat me has been analogize as being a hammer that pounds on the anvil. Over time in each generation, people have tried to destroy me and to exalt themselves, hammering away, if you will, at the reality of the anvil. They think that with their puny hammers they can destroy the anvil. But in the end, all that’s left is a pile of broken handles and split hammers while the anvil remains.
A story has been told of one of the great atheists of human history, a Frenchman named Voltaire. In his hatred and rage for me, he vowed that he would destroy and eradicate me from the hearts and minds of the French people in his generation. Voltaire died, as everyone has and will, because he was not God and because I said, that because all have sinned, all we will die (Ezekiel 18:4). But interestingly enough, after he died his home was bought and used for the production of bibles by the Bible society. Voltaire was one of the many broken “hammers” who lost his life, including eternal life, because he thought he could oppose me, God.
If you would be wise, stop your fool’s errand today and recognize this truth, “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.” Humble yourselves therefore before me. Seek forgiveness from me through the sacrificial death of my Son, Jesus the Messiah, who paid your penalty for sin when he died as a substitute for you on the cross. Then, through the power of my Spirit, whom you will receive when your sins are forgiven, draw on my power so you will have both the desire and ability to live in obedience to me and my will. “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13). If you don’t, when you die and stand before me your sinful pride will be broken. You will stand before me without a Savior and instead of life you will know death forever. If your country continues in its sinful ways as well, I will remove my protective hand and you will suffer grave consequences.
Every nation has, who rejected me and lived by values and standards that were godless.
I write with truth bathed in love.
I long to bless you and restore you.
I have done all I can.
The next move is yours.
These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.