Letters From God – 10/13/22

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.
QUESTION: How Can Christians Be Pro-Life Yet Call For The Death Penalty?
It sounds like you have made them mutually exclusive. I have never done this. In a previous letter, I spoke of how I commanded Israel, in my 10 commandments, to never murder another person (Exodus 20:13). I did not say kill.
In fact, after Exodus 20, in the chapters that followed, I gave a number of instances in which a person must be killed, a life must be taken. So, what is the difference? If you murder a person you do it on your own, apart from my will. You do it often out of malice and anger. You have no right to take the life of another. I created life and if I have not expressly told you that there is a time to take the life of another you have sinned against me and stolen the life of another, for no good reason.
If, however, I ask you to take the life of another, for reasons I make clear, it isn’t murder, it should never be done out of malice or anger and it will receive my blessing instead of a curse and punishment. One of the instances that I made it clear you should take the life of person is if they murdered someone. They, in this case, take the life of another for reasons I never commanded. It was done from selfish and evil motives and it is always wrong.
I expressly said that, because all mankind was made in my image, to take the life of that person, through murder, is a transgression not only against the person but against me (Genesis 9:6). It was intended to remove the person from society so that they could never do this again. It was also intended to give the perpetrator a chance to confess their sin and become right with me, knowing their life will soon end. It is also designed, when practiced as I commanded, to cause other to choose to not murder, in view of the capital punishment that would end their life, once convicted.
Now back to your question. I am the author of life. I created you and create all living things. No one can bring forth a child unless it is in my will. On many occasions and for various reasons, I closed the womb of women to conceive. I did this for Samuel’s mother Hannah, (1 Samuel 1:5) and even for Sarah, Abraham’s wife until she was 90 (Genesis 17:17). I closed them for a time to show my power over life and death. Though women were designed to bear the children I chose to be birthed, they never had the right to take the life of those children, while I was in the process of forming them in the womb. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13). I will hold all who take the life of a developing child accountable for murder, for you have taken a life when I expressly created it, even if it was conceived thorough sinful acts.
Capital punishment however is part of my will and design to control evil and to maintain justice on the earth. It was for this reason that I warned children in the book of Proverbs to never rebel against me or the King, divine and human lawgivers. “Fear the LORD and the king, my son, and do not join with rebellious, for those two will send sudden destruction upon them, and who knows what calamities they can bring.” (Proverb 24:21-22).
I also told the Apostle Paul to write that the King and governing authorities hold the power of the sword (Romans 13:4). The sword is an instrument of killing. Those who violate my laws and those of Kings that are consistent with my laws, like murder, must face the death penalty for their brazen disregard for laws intended to protect life.
I want to remind you that many of you who are reading this letter have rejected me and my will. However, just because you have rejected me and my will, does not mean you are right and there will be no consequences for your behavior. One day you and all humanity will stand in my presence. I, who created you and set the standards for life, will be your judge. In my presence and in the court of heaven, only my standards will be the basis of judgement. If you cling to yours, you will face my judgement and it will be for all eternity. But please consider that I sent my son Jesus to pay the penalty for all your sins. If you acknowledge your sins, I will apply His sacrifice to them and forgive you.
Make life and the preservation of life as important to you as it is to me. Never take the life of an unborn child and reserve capital punishment for the person who has violently taken the life of another, through murder.
I want you to know that I love you enough to speak the truth,
These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.