Letters From God – 8/18/22

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.
QUESTION: Why Are So Many Political Decisions And Actions Being Done Behind The Scenes?
I have shared with you before that there is a spiritual aspect to every aspect of your physical world. I created you, your government and every person who is part of every nation in the world. I created you all without sin and corruption. I gave you free will and allowed you to reject me, my word and will and make your own decisions, policies and rules.
Everyone, and there is no exception, has not only disobeyed me once but many times. Everyone, unless they return to me and acknowledge their brazen rebellion and seek forgiveness for their sins that separate them from me, the source of life, will be guided by their corrupt nature. It is the same nature as the one who tempted the original man and woman I created and everyone thereafter so that they believed his lie and sinned against me (Genesis 3). He was created before I created any human being and since he was given the abilities to live in dimensions unseen to the human physical existence, you are unaware of his presence, power and evil influence on all you do. His name is Satan, and his major method of leading you away from me, the source of life and into death, is deception.
I described him as the angel of light. “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14). This moniker represents that he appears as good, but he is evil, and his true intention is to drag individuals and nations away from me where he, the proverbial wolf, can enjoy his lunch on the unsuspecting sheep.
But you must understand that this deception is done in darkness. He doesn’t reveal his true intention in his temptations, and it is only after you have bitten the “fruit,” that you realize his poison is stealing away your life. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). That’s why I instructed those who look to me and trust me to run from the tempter, the temptation and the darkness in which he plies his deadly trade. That is why I instructed you to, “take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11).
With this spiritual backdrop which is as real as the physical world you live in, consider how this reality impacts your country, its leaders and the people within it.
If a leader, if a party, if a submissive citizenry does no bow before me, my word and my will, they are under the influence of the evil one who operates in darkness in order to deceive. Your people have coined the phrase, “Democracy Dies in The Darkness.” It dies because of the policies, decisions and actions of people who are godless, who supplant my will, and deceive the citizens into thinking their policies will enhance their lives but ultimately are wrong and deadly. How can they not be, since they come from hell? “Thinking themselves to be wise they become fools.” (Romans 1:22).
They have no idea that they are being influenced to do things that I hate, and which always brings suffering, pain and death. They enact their policies in the darkness in order to railroad them upon you, the unsuspecting “flock,” who yourselves have for the most part rejected me and unwittingly fall for the deceptions of darkness. If you choose to reject me, your creator and life source, your wisdom, which is shrouded in darkness, will lead you down dark ally’s from which there will be a “dead end.”
Consider the many deeds of deception and darkness that are being foisted by your leaders, all of which are contrary to my will and deadly. Presenting themselves as moderates who wished to lead from the center and unite all of your citizens. Opening your borders so that you have no borders, violating immigration laws and wise integration policies at the highest level, and failing to vet those to who “walk in,” in order to be assured they will enrich your country instead of drain it of its lifeblood. Redefining long established morality standards based on my word and will on the whim of the reigning regime, as though they were God, and they can violate my will with impunity. Sanctioning violence and lawbreaking with little or no consequences and justice is already proving catastrophic and will lead to anarchy if continued. Establishing the reigning regime as the only party with the moral authority to reign and search out and crush any and all opponents in order to maintain power, is so evil yet is done in the name of silencing dissenters.
Have you forgotten your heritage as a Democracy? Has the darkness shrouded you minds so much that you can’t see? Have you not learned the lessons of history that this selfish, autocratic, lawless and destructive leadership will collapse of its own weight but will also suffer my judgment and wrath? You are awash in darkness. For all who can hear and see, wake up from woke and walk in the light of life that only I can give.
I love you enough to confront you with the truth.
These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.