Mount Washington Valley Craft Fair

Don’t miss the Mount Washington Valley Craft Fair on August 22-23 at Schouler Park, 1 Norcross Circle, Rte. 16, in North Conway (located in the beautiful park in front of the Scenic Railroad). There will be over 80 fabulous arts & crafts exhibitors. Fair hours are Sat 10 am to 5 pm and Sun 10 am to 4 pm. Leashed, friendly dogs are welcome. Even though we are outside, please wear a mask and please social distance for everyone’s good health & safety in these challenging times. Free masks are available if you forget yours. Some of the awesome arts & crafts will include handpainted valances/wooden decor/slates/metal/lamps, handsome cedar wood furniture, soft sculpture toys, personalized growth charts, wooden art, metal lanterns, quilts, NH maple syrups, soy candles, homemade pandemic masks & shields, handmade dolls & lots more. Rain or Shine Under Canopies – Always Free Admission –

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