Mr. Negron Goes to Washington

Ken Gorrellby Ken Gorrell,
Weirs Times Contributing Writer

If the voters of the 2nd Congressional District are smart, we’ll send Steve Negron to Washington, D.C. next year.
While any of the declared Republican challengers to Rep. Ann McLane Kuster would be preferable to the incumbent, I believe Mr. Negron is the best candidate for the office. Goodness knows, we deserve better than what we’ve got. Or rather, what we’ve done to ourselves.
A Navy officer I met years ago had a sign on his stateroom door: You Deserve What You Tolerate. I think that’s largely true. But getting what you deserve can be painful. We’ve elected and re-elected an extreme liberal, attorney, and lobbyist to represent us in the Federal government, and she has done what extreme liberals do: Fought to drain away power and responsibility from our state and communities, in favor of the bureaucrats in Washington. The time for toleration is over.
I don’t expect a Democrat to score well on the American Conservative Union’s rankings, but Rep. Kuster’s lifetime score is closer to former Speaker of House and California uber-liberal Nancy Pelosi’s than to her CD1 counterpart, outgoing Democrat Shea-Porter. In CD2, we have a California-liberal who would be a reliable vote for every hairbrained bill Pelosi would support if as a nation we are foolish enough to give control of the House to Democrats.
Kuster voted to close Guantanamo and bring terrorists to US soil. She continues to support ObamaCare, opposing the bill to repeal major provisions over time. (For those of you who lost the insurance plan you liked, the doctor you preferred, and really expected $2,500 back from “bending the cost curve down,” Rep. Kuster thinks she knows your wants and needs better than you do.) She aligned with special interests against the best interests of NH’s students, opposing a measure to reduce federal mandates in education and return power to the states. And of course, being a Pelosian, she supported sanctuary cites over the rule of immigration law enforcement. Naturally, she also supports chain migration and the visa lottery, but opposes any measure to wrest control of our borders from lawless gangs and those whose first act on stepping on US soil is to violate our law.
Perhaps part of Rep. Kuster’s success as a politician lies in her relative anonymity. In a St. Anslem’s College poll conducted in April, 4.7% of respondents had “No Opinion” of the three other Democrats in our Washington delegation. But nearly a quarter of those polled – 23% – had no opinion of Rep. Kuster. That’s an astonishingly high number for a multi-term incumbent.
It would be in our best interests to send Rep. Kuster back to lobbying or lawyering or whatever else she’d like to do instead of putting the interests of the Democrat National Committee ahead of the interests of New Hampshire. We aren’t California and we shouldn’t have a “representative” who could easily be part of the CA delegation. The issue is to whom should we entrust the responsibility of representing New Hampshire values in swampy DC?
Enter Steve Negron. I’ve heard him speak – along with some of the other Republican candidates vying for the honor of unseating the incumbent. I am impressed with his command of the issues, his easy manner, and his obvious honesty and good character. His stump speech and answers to questions from the crowd lacked the Washington polish – thank goodness. He clearly hasn’t memorized lines honed by focus-groups and political puppet masters.
As befitting a former military officer and current business owner, he calls them as he sees them. And he sees them the way New Hampshire’s working families see them. Unlike the incumbent, he supports tax policies that allow workers to keep more of their earnings. He’s experienced the damage and drag on our economy from over-regulation and the DC-knows-best mentality. He understands the challenges of leadership, the difficulties of making payroll and predicting the economic future when making business decisions that affect other people’s lives.
The “Vision & Priorities” section of his campaign website ( provides a list of issues that could easily have come from any of us: Border Security; Veterans’ Care; Public Safety; Debt. He also includes “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” and “Restoring American Confidence,” both touchstone issues for those of us who believe we’ve strayed too far from our nation’s founding principles.
Candidate Negron is also Rep. Negron. In representing Nashua Ward 5, he has shown himself to be a thoughtful conservative with a strong moral foundation. He is also very approachable, both in-person as he travels the length of CD-2, and in online forums. If you haven’t yet, I urge you to attend one of his campaign events, and then to vote to send Mr. Negron to Washington.


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