On The Trails & Summits

Amy Patenaude is the Weirs Times Outdoor Columnist. She is a life-long resident of New Hampshire, born in Concord and now a Henniker resident.

Amy has been writing her bi-weekly column for the Weirs Times since 2000. Amy travels to the highest peaks as well as to the more obscure places of nature throughout the state of New Hampshire and beyond. Amy’s international treks have also taken her from the Virgin Islands to Ireland and places in between. Each visit brought to life in her own personal style.

When Amy isn’t researching a column for the Weirs Times you might find her competing in a cross-country or alpine race, just to relax.

So, whether it’s a cross-country ski-trip, a hike through the known and unknown trails of New Hampshire or an exotic adventure to places “away”, Amy is sure to surprise even the most seasoned outdoor enthusiast with her adventurous, educational and fun experiences in the great outdoors.

Snow Again And No Power Again

PHOTO: Sunny April Fools Day at Waterville Valley, yours truly, Bria, Danielle and Kris, we skied non stop for three and a half hours because […]

A Day Of Spring Skiing At Loon Mountain

PHOTO: Bria makes first tracks on Loon Mountain’s South Peak Cruiser Trail. Cannon Cliff, Big Coolidge Mountain and the tip tops of the Franconia Range […]

Ayuh! .. Skiing In Maine

PHOTO: In the rain Kris skis towards the SuperQuad at Sugarloaf. While we were in Maine, Mother Nature threw all the weather she could think […]

Time For Tenney Mountain

PHOTO: Tenney Mountain in Plymouth, NH has 48 Trails and 1,400 vertical feet of fun! Look at the snow on Tenney’s Shooting Star Trail. Tenney […]

Dartmouth Skiway

PHOTO: A wonderful winter day riding the Holt’s Ledge double chairlift at the Dartmouth Skiway. The natural snow on the Lift Line Trail below and […]


PHOTO: Uphill skiing has been gaining in popularity for years and New Hampshire resorts offer routes for uphill skinning, splitboarding and snowshoeing. Here at Bretton […]

It’s Snowtime!

PHOTO: It is Snowtime! More and more New Hampshire resorts have opened for the season. Pats Peak’s opening day was Friday, December 1st. Young and […]

Mount Osceola And East Osceola

PHOTO: Frannie and Mike on the summit of Mount Osceola, elevation 4,329 feet. Snow covered Mount Washington can be seen in the distance. From Tripoli […]

Bretton Woods -Ski Season Is Here!

PHOTO: A Snowboarder having a fine first day on the slopes at Bretton Woods. The ski season in New Hampshire opened last week at Bretton […]

Fall is Fun – Hawthorne Falls

PHOTO: Becca near the pool at the base of Hawthorne Falls. The pretty 40 foot tall terraced waterfall hides in its little box canyon a […]

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