Pond Hockey Classic This Weekend

The New England Pond Hockey Classic is set to go this weekend on Meredith Bay.
The event will look a little different this year with fewer teams as well as less access for spectators due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The event, now in its 12th year, was literally on thin ice a week ago, before a welcome cold snap provided a solid ice base keeping the Pond Hockey Classic on the Bay instead of having to move to Lake Waukewan.
We want to congratulate Pond Hockey Classic organizer Scott Crowder and his fantastic team who have been working hard to see to it that this event, which has been a boon to the Lakes Region area for years, is still being held despite the hardships that the virus restrictions have presented.
For the past several years, the Weirs Times has been providing a special Pond Hockey section listing game schedules, events and other information on the event. Though this year’s section itself looks a little different, we are glad to be able to continue to support this special event and look forward to its continued success in the future.