Rare Book Specialist To Speak In Gilford

On Thursday, August 25 at 6p.m., Ken Gloss, proprietor of the internationally known Brattle Book Shop in Boston, will discuss the value of old and rare books at Gilford Community Church (GCC).
A rare book specialist and appraiser frequently seen on national TV, Gloss will discuss growing up in the book business and share insights into the history of his bookshop (c. 1825) among other anecdotes. Following the presentation, he will answer questions and provide free verbal appraisals of books on-site or at a later scheduled date at his shop in Boston.
Ken Gloss’s presentation will take place on Thursday, August 25, 2022 6:00 p.m. at Gilford Community Church, 19 Potter Hill Road, Gilford, NH. Preregistraton is not required.
To learn more about Brattle Book Shop, which has received numerous accolades, including recognition as one of North America’s best bookstores, visit brattlebookshop.com.

Located in Gilford, NH, GCC is an inclusive, open community with a broadly ecumenical spirit that welcomes people from all denominational and cultural backgrounds. To learn more about GCC, or virtually attend services, visit gilfordcommunitychurch.org.

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