Really Old Brown Dog Smuttynose Brewing Co


Really Old Brown Dog_sml



There are times when you happen to find something that has been improved upon nicely. Usually, the changes made are based on the original item but the improvements are in aesthetics of look, feel, color, texture or performance. The same can be said about beers that take an existing offering and amps it up to be a big brother to the earlier version. Of course, in this instance, I am referring to a real beauty from Smutty.
Smuttynose leads our NH beer race by recently completing a $24 million expansion on the Towle Farm property in Hampton with a reception space for events and wedding receptions, the Hayseed Farm-style Restaurant and, of course, a fabulous, exquisitely designed, ecologically-centered brewery. As an example, they use heat captured by the cooling fluid used in post-brewing to heat the brewery during the winter months. This expansion happens at the precise time that Smutty and the rest of the craft beer scene are experiencing huge growth and are being recognized as “shakers and movers.”.
You can find out more about their offerings on or at their website
Really OBD was originally a part of the 22 oz Big Beer Series which had very special releases of premium beers. It’s name comes from Olive, the brewery’s pet chocolate lab. Olive is getting along in years and exemplifies the aging of a fine beer. Now year-round in 12 oz four packs, this delicious treat will delight your senses while it warms your tummy. This brew is based off of recipes known as Old or Stock Ale and are sought after for aging (cellaring) to improve their smoothness.
Poured into a 12 oz tulip glass, ROBD presents an antique white head and lasting lace in the glass. Deep ruby red in color, with notes of dark fruit, your nose will oscillate between beer and port wine. The first taste of this full-bodied gem provides complex experiences and so, so mellow as it goes down. Sweetness is replaced by an after-burn because it’s a big beer. Looking over the years its been produced, it’s gone from 7% to 11.1% ABV this year. If you decide to age this beer, it will only improve in smoothness and complexity!
With the many other offerings from Smuttynose, you can find it at Case-n-Keg, Meredith and Laconia. It isn’t always in stock, but keep looking for it. Officially rated as 88 out of 100 (‘very good’) on have rated this beer from 3.80+ to 4.35 out of a score of 5. Smuttynose’s Really Old Brown Dog is as faithful as the dog it is named after!

Jim MacMillan is the owner of WonByOne Design of Meredith, NH, and is an avid imbiber of craft brews and a home brewer as well. Send him your recommendations and brew news to

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