Smuttynose Brewing Co.’s Tripel Belgian Style Ale


Living in New Hampshire affords us some great opportunities. We love the lakes, the mountains, sports in both, the freedom to choose what we like to do, where to go, and the freedom to choose great beers brewed right in NH.
Smuttynose leads our NH beer race by recently completing a $22 million expansion on the Towle Farm property in Hampton with a reception space for events and wedding receptions, the Hayseed Farm-style Restaurant and, of course, a fabulous, exquisitely designed, ecologically-centered brewery.Smuttynose_Tripel As an example, they use heat captured by the cooling fluid used in post-brewing to heat the brewery during the winter months. This expansion happens at the precise time that Smutty and the rest of the craft beer scene are experiencing huge growth and are being recognized as “shakers and movers.”
You can find out more about their offerings on or at their website
This series on Smuttynose draws attention to their creations and lets you know of what they are brewing up. The Big Beer Series is for those who desire just a little bit more from their beer appetite, so this is the third and final installation about the Smutty series.
“Tripel” is a great example of a Belgian beer. Traveling throughout Europe, one would sample many similar beers with this distinction. So Smutty has done their homework on this one.
Tripel is 8.2% ABV, so this beer will gain your appreciation and satisfaction. It is golden and orange in color. Its slightly sweet with a generous malty mouth-feel and has no particular place to go except spending time with you.
Poured into a pint glass, Tripel retains its off white head quite nicely. Your nose will pick up a generous amount of floral sweetness along with an abundance of headiness from this strong ale. The Belgian yeast is what makes this beer a treat. The citrus color is inviting and, again, typical of the style of beer. Some spice and fruity notes are apparent as you partake. Well balanced and never bitter, this brew will require you to finish the bottle.
With the many other offerings from Smuttynose, you will always find it at Case-n-Keg, 5 Mill St, Meredith. Most on have rated this beer from 3.50+ to 4 out of a score of 5. Officially, they rate this at 85 out of 100 which is a ‘very good’ notation. Smuttynose’s Tripel is a great find while it is available so go and find for it today!

Jim MacMillan is the owner of WonByOne Design of Meredith, NH, and is an avid imbiber of craft brews and a home brewer as well. Send him your recommendations and brew news to

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