Snow Again And No Power Again

PHOTO: Sunny April Fools Day at Waterville Valley, yours truly, Bria, Danielle and Kris, we skied non stop for three and a half hours because the morning’s corn snow was wonderful. After lunch we still enjoyed the warm sunshine and the wetter spring snow.

by Amy Patenaude
Outdoor/Ski Writer
April Fools? Right!
If you read the last paragraph of my previous column, I said I wasn’t giving up on skiing and I knew a storm would come but two storms! I didn’t hope for that!
April Fool’s Day isn’t one day but has turned into a week of pranks. Mother Nature dumps more snow on us again and again. But I never gave up on the ski season and it sure has been swell.
Last time we were without power for two days and now it looks like this storm is going to be worse. (And it has to be tough on our Weirs Times Editor Brendan).
April first was a nice sunny day and I went skiing at Waterville Valley with my pals Bria the unicorn, Danielle and Kris. We enjoyed wonderful corn snow all morning and then it turned into soft spring sticky snow in the afternoon. Ninety-five percent of their trails were open thanks to the couple of week they received a week ago.
Tomorrow (April 5th) I bet there will be another rush to our mountain resorts to get in one more powder day. Will I be able to go?

The Nordic trails are pretty good too and a few resorts have stayed opened. I chased Charlie around last weekend at Bretton Woods on our skate skis. The groomed trails were really nice. I sure hope they keep grooming. Nice to have the ski season extended. Jackson XC has been doing courtesy grooming and I hear the trails are good skiing.
I am looking forward to skiing a few more weeks here in New Hampshire. No doubt Loon, Bretton Woods and Wildcat will hold out until their last flakes melt.

Check out and click conditions to see what resorts are open and their trail counts.
My thumbs are getting tired. This is nuts trying to write my column on my cellphone and it is about to run out of juice soon.
I am not suffering. I am sitting here warm and snug in front of the fireplace. Thank goodness wood is so wonderful.
So grab your skis and hit the slopes. Maybe next year Mother Nature will give us snow in January and February. Bit better late than ever so go out and…
Have fun.
Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or suggestions to her at: