Stoneface Brewing IPA


Stoneface IPA

Jim_MacMillanby Jim MacMillan
Weirs Times Contributing Writer

Our weekly brew review (for those who cherish the love of beer) continues as we may have finally turned the corner on this winter season… but we will still review beers that are winter favorites. Craft brewing is certainly alive and well in and around NH.
Just a bit over a year old, Stoneface Brewing, located in Newington, NH, has captured the attention of IPA lovers with their refreshingly hoppy beer. Pouring for the first time at last year’s Portsmouth Beer Week, they were noticed! Starting out as a 3 barrel brew system, they quickly found the need to expand and are just finishing their addition of a 15 barrel system. They also brew APA (American Pale Ale), Red Rye IPA and Hopuliza Double IPA. Visit them at
Stoneface IPA is a hop lovers treat and is considered to be an American IPA (India Pale Ale) coming in at 7.2% ABV and around 60 IBU (International Bittering Units). It is delivered in 16.9 oz bottles which is just slightly larger than a pint glass.
This beer is dry hopped, meaning that more hops are added to the wort (finish beer) after it is cooled. This addition is what adds some bittering notes but also much more floral ones as well. They use Warrior hops early in the boil and Centennial for flavor. Amarillo, Citra and a little Simcoe are used for dry hopping.
The beer should be poured into an open top pint glass to get both taste and smell at your first sip. For this pouring, an Australian pint glass (inverted bottle shape) was used. Citrus zest, grapefruit and honey are the initial flavors, while the hop character and complexity stay throughout the experience. With a crisp, though malty mouthfeel, this deep golden brew and pillowy head will bring a smile to your face.
In production year-round, this is their flagship beer and is available at Case-n-Keg, in Meredith. officially rated this beer, giving it a 97 out of 100 (world-class) and reviewed by others at 4.75+ out of 5. They have struck gold with this one!

Jim MacMillan is the owner of WonByOne Design of Meredith, NH, and is an avid imbiber of craft brews and a home brewer as well. Send him your recommendations and brew news to

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