T-Shirt Cannon IPA

Contributing Writer

By now, I’m sure you’ll agree that being house-bound is getting pretty damn boring. For the first time in modern history, we are forced into a situation where most of us can’t work our regular jobs because of a tiny life-threatening bug. We are at war with an invisible enemy and cannot seem to get it together enough to return to normalcy. It’s affecting almost everything we love about being social. I miss the days of going out to my favorite restaurant, movie theatre, bowling at Funspot, baseball game, etc etc. Speaking of sporting events, there is a particularly fun part to many ball games that fans love. It’s when they get a free T-shirt courtesy of an amazing device; more in a few moments on that. But it ushers in our focus beer this week. May I present to you T-Shirt Cannon IPA.
Lone Pine Brewing Company has been making great beer for New England since 2016 in the Bayside neighborhood of Portland. They have also expanded into a Gorham production facility in April of 2018, previously owned by Sebago Brewing. Owners Tom Madden and John Paul met in high school and shared a love of home-brewing. John’s strength is marketing while Tom leads the brewing efforts. With a huge variety of different recipes and limited releases, Lone Pine has established a following that both Mainers and New Englanders alike can be proud of. Concentrating on IPAs, and especially dry-hopping (the process of adding hops during fermentation for aromatic notes), Lone Pine has created delicious treats for us to enjoy. With all of their creative brewing experience, Lone Pine Brewing will be a company to keep your focus on. You can visit them at their website at www.LonePineBrewery.com
A T-shirt cannon is what employees use to fire shirts into the crowd at sporting events utilizing compressed air. Like this device, Lone Pine loads a bunch of artistic hops (Vic Secret, Mosaic, and Idaho 7) into the early fermentation process to release huge floral and aromatic flavors. Hazy golden yellow in tone and aromas of pineapple, peach and orange peel are most apparent with taste that follows the nose. A brilliant and persistent white head stems from the flaked oatmeal used in the boil. Complex fruity notes will keep your tastebuds from settling on just one place here. Wonderfully balanced (like every Lone Pine beer), T-Shirt Cannon aims to please and at 7.7% ABV, there is plenty to appreciate.
BeerAdvocate.com officially rates T-Shirt Cannon as ‘Outstanding’ awarding a 90 out of 100. Make sure you get your four pack of 16 oz cans soon as they are rare, lasting only a short time. Available at Case-n-Keg in Meredith, the one location in the state with cases on hand. Cheers!