The Hobo & Winnipesaukee Scenic RR Prepares To Open For The 2020 Season

LINCOLN – The Hobo and Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad is advising the public that the 54 miles of rail between Tilton, NH and Lincoln, NH should now be considered active for the 2020 season. Various train operations will be taking place from now through December, including maintenance, excursion trains, special tourist trains and equipment moves.
Although passenger trains are not yet operating due to COVID-19, replacement of nearly 12,000 cross ties has begun and will continue throughout the summer months. As such, those traveling in the area need to exercise additional caution when approaching all grade crossings between Tilton & Lincoln, NH. This joint track maintenance initiative is being coordinated by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation, while NBM Rail Services of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada is performing the tie replacement work.

The Railroad would like to also take this opportunity remind everyone that caution should be exercised at all times while around moving trains and to always expect a train. Other safety considerations to keep in mind include grade crossing signals which should always be obeyed. Drivers should always stop when they hear whistle signals at grade crossings and should never try to beat a train at a crossing, or park on or near a railroad crossing.
To further promote the message of railroad safety, the Hobo and Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad continues to work closely with Operation Lifesaver, a nationally recognized non-profit organization that works diligently to improve railroad safety through engineering, education and enforcement.
“People need to be keenly aware of the potential danger around moving rail equipment, even when rail cars and locomotives are moving at slow speeds,” stated Benjamin Clark, President of the Railroad, “Safety is always our first priority.”
Both the Hobo Railroad in Lincoln, NH and the Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad in Meredith and Weirs Beach, NH offer a variety of scenic excursions and special events for the general public as well as school groups and bus tours – typically from mid-May though late October. However, due to ongoing concerns regarding the COVID-19 Virus as well as restrictions imposed by local and state officials, daily operations for train rides have been delayed.
The Hobo Railroad is located in Lincoln, NH, just off Exit 32 on I-93, left on Route 112, directly across from McDonalds. The Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad is located at 154 Main Street in Meredith, NH with a satellite station located on the Boardwalk at 211 Lakeside Avenue in Weirs Beach, NH. For information regarding 2020 opening dates, daily operations and special events, visit, or follow the Hobo & Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad on Facebook.
The Hobo & Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroads are privately owned with operations in Lincoln, Meredith, and Weirs Beach, NH. As one of the Northeastern United States largest and most popular tourist railroads, weekend operations begin in late-May with daily operations getting underway in late-June and running through the end of October with additional events taking place in Lincoln, NH weekends from Thanksgiving until just before Christmas. Popular annual events include the 4th of July Family Party Train, the Nature by Rail series, Hobo Harvest Time Express, Fall Foliage Excursions, Turkey Dinner Trains and the Santa Express Trains. For additional information, visit or call (603) 745-2135.