Two Classic Belgians

Contributing Writer

After two weeks away from our favorite liquids within this column (beeeeerrr), we return with two very classic styles from where a lot of great beer is born; Belgium. Although Germany wants to be solely known for being the best brewers in the world, Belgium will never allow that! Between Abbey-made creations from age-old monk recipes to world class brewers like Chimay, Piraat, Leffe and Duvel, we are truly blessed to be the recipients of their efforts. It has been a while since we have looked at an international beer so let us investigate two classics from De Dolle.
Esen, Belgium is home to Oerbier Nat en Straf, the over-seeing company for De Dolle Brouwers or DDB. Since 1980, DDB has produced some of the most classic and special (limited release) artisan beers in the world. The grounds of the brewery is historic and serene with walking paths, indoor as well as outdoor seating for tastings and food. They even have paintings on canvas for sale created by local artists. Look over their website at
Arabier is describe as a pure malt beverage using local grain with Nugget and Whitbread Goldings hops. Part of the name, Ara, refers to Arabic where beer is forbidden, yet desired, so the mystique of this beer broadens with this bit of folklore. The bottle also says to consume the contents within two years. The date on my bottle cap said 2018. It is also bottle fermented (conditioned) so prying off the cap is noteworthy. At 8% ABV and delightful on the tongue, Arabier finishes a little dry with a honey aftertaste.

Boskeun Speciaal Paasbier (as written on the label), is the successor to an earlier beer, Stille Nacht (still night) and is described as a powerful beer with hints of berries, licorice, vanilla and so on. It is made with pure pale malt with Poperingse Golding hops and cane sugar to boost up the 9% ABV. This one is also bottle conditioned to give it the massive white frothy head when poured into a European stemmed beer glass. Mouthfeel on this one is also gentle with lingering and quite boozy on the par with Chimay ales.
Delicately balanced as Belgians are, these two both are amazing but I am leaning slightly toward the mellow flavors of the Boskeun. officially has rated Arabier as 91 out of 100 and also rated Boskeun 92 out of 100 marked, both as ‘Outstanding’. You can pick up 11.2 oz four packs of these wonderful creations at Case-n-Keg, 5 Mill St, Meredith. Give either of these two greats a try and discover how Belgian life can be.