Why I Support Chuck Morse For U.S. Senate from New Hampshire

PHOTO: (L to R) Sheila Thomson, Tom Thomson and Chuck Morse visiting the Governor Meldrim Thomson Scenic Highway. COURTESY PHOTO

by Tom Thomson
Orford, NH.
Chuck Morse has served his neighbors in Salem as both a Town Selectman and Moderator, then served New Hampshire as a State Representative for two terms (1998-2002) and then was elected to the State Senate in 2002-2006 and reelected again in 2010 to the present. He served as Chair of the Finance Committee and in 2013 he was elected as the President of the N.H. State Senate.
Chuck Morse and his wife Susan run a very successful business “Freshwater Farms” in Atkinson and employs more then 50 Granite Staters. When Chuck returned to the N.H. Senate in 2010, he found the Democrats had left our State with a $800 million dollar deficit. Using his good business skills, he led N.H. back on a sustainable, fiscally responsible spending path without raising taxes. At the end of July, N.H. enjoyed a $429.7 million dollar revenue surplus, thanks to Senator Morse, Governor Sununu and many other statewide Republicans.
Because of Chuck Morse’s many town and state elected positions and his successful business skills he has led the way as New Hampshire President of the Senate in cutting taxes for New Hampshire businesses by lowering business taxes and successfully started the phase out of the interest & dividends tax in our state. Chuck Morse wants to take his New Hampshire business skills to Washington DC and serve New Hampshire’s taxpayers as he has done as President of the NH Senate.
It was reported in the NH Sunday News on Aug. 14th that Democrat Senator Maggie Hassan raised $26.6 million dollars for her US Senate reelection. The amount is shocking to most N.H. voters, but what they may not know is that 90% of her $26.6 million comes from out of state donors from New York to Los Angeles.
Senator Hassan has outraised five of the Republican candidates by a 9 to 1 margin. But it gets worse, three of the five Republicans received more of their donations from out of state. However, NH Senate President Chuck Morse has received 90% of all funds from his N.H. friends and neighbors and he has promised to represent all N.H. citizens while serving them in Washington DC, and not the out of state donors that are “Bankrolling” Senator Hassan’s reelection.
I know of no other N.H. 2022 US Senate Candidate that is more qualified to serve as our next N.H. US Senator than Chuck Morse who will take his proven leadership skills and tax cutting record and start on day one to protect the pocketbook of every New Hampshire Taxpayer.
I encourage everyone to be sure to get out and VOTE on Primary Day, Sept. 13th.
Remember Senator Hassan continues to support Joe Biden’s Open Border policy, (this July a total of 200,000 illegal immigrants walked into the United States, and for the first 9 months of 2022 over 2 million have crossed the southern border into the U. S.), Senator Hassan also voted for Higher Taxes, Increased Spending, and the Highest Inflation rate (9.1%) in the past 42 years. While Chuck Morse has pledged to Secure our Borders, Lower Taxes, Control Spending and Fight to reduce Joe Biden and Senator Hassan’s highest inflation in the past 42 years.
I am proud to support N.H. Senate President Chuck Morse for US Senate, please join me on Sept. 13th Primary Day and VOTE for Chuck Morse.
Tom Thomson is a Tree Farmer from Orford, NH.