Wolfeboro Restaurants Offer Haunted Trolley Tour Coupon

PHOTO: Morrisseys’ Porch & Pub is one of the Wolfeboro area restaurants offering discounts on dinner as part of the haunted history trolley tours taking place this month.
Those looking to make their 2022 Haunted Trolley Tour a complete evening out will be pleased to know that five Wolfeboro restaurants are now offering 10% off dinner as part of the Haunted History Trolley Tour Ticket.
Morrisseys’ Porch & Pub, La Boca, Marker 21, O Bistro, and Wolfe’s Tavern are joining Molly the Trolley on Thursdays, October 6, 13, 20, 27 and Friday, October 28 for a bit of spooky fun by discounting dinner for those taking the 90-minute narrated tour.

Beginning at the Wolfeboro Railroad Station at 7 pm, the mystery ride includes stops along the way where riders get off the trolley and follow the “spirit” of Maude Taylor, an 1850s Wolfeboro Falls School teacher, into dark and mysterious places where she recounts stories about people and happenings from Wolfeboro’s past.
Spiritual encounters are not uncommon, according to those who’ve already taken the tour. A rider from last week went so far as to comment, “A bit of fortification in the way of a hearty meal is not a bad idea before this trip.”
Riders should be prepared to get off the trolley a few times during the tour to enjoy the full experience; this event is only appropriate for those over twelve years old.
A “Haunted Trolley Tour” ticket also includes entry in a drawing to win a signed copy of the 1976 book Remember When…A Collection of Old Photographs of Wolfeboro, NH. A book will be given away at the end of each tour.
Tickets are $35 per person and may be purchased online at wolfeborotrolley.com or by calling 603-569-1080. Reservations are required. The 10% off Dinner Coupon is emailed with the ticket receipt.