Woodstock’s Mosaic Pineapple Pale Ale

Contributing Writer

The word mosaic can have many interpretations. The most common understanding is similar to a puzzle. Pieces of odd-shaped elements in multicolored hues are arranged together to make a design of artistic quality. Think about a stained glass church window you may have seen. It employs mosaic principles to create an image. In-ground swimming pools have used the mosaic principle for the pool bed as well. The point of this explanation helps to point out how many facets or elements can come together to create something new. And so our friends from a North Woodstock, NH brewery take this opportunity to add it to a new series of flavor-enhanced beers called Mosaic. Their thoughts on mosaic are simple for a perfect day; you have no work, no place to be, zero responsibilities. This creates the opportunity to day drink. So our focus beer today is of a new release from Woodstock Inn Brewery.
Nestled in the quaint town of North Woodstock hides a busy hive of brewers, cooks and help that is the Woodstock Inn, Station and Brewery. Rich in history, Woodstock Station dates back to the mid 1930s when skiers could take trains to the mountain to ski. The Woodstock Inn would be a popular stop. It wasn’t until 1996 that a 7 barrel brewery began and became a local hangout. Recently expanded in 2012-13 to almost twice its original size, this 30 barrel brewery, function room and eatery beckons folks from all over to stop in and share a pint or two over great food. They now offer expanded lodging for those who want to expand their Woodstock experience. Find out more about them on www.facebook.com/WoodstockInnBrewery or at their website, www.woodstockinnnh.com
To be clear from the start, mosaic hops were not used in the recipe for this beer. When I first picked up the can, I thought “Hummm, I love the artistry of mosaic hops…” There have been single malt, single hop (SMaSH) beers I’ve like in the past and imagined this was another variety of that concept. Wrong. This pale ale is simple and to the point. Easy drinking, not overly complex, right at 5% ABV so not a day-wrecker like a 10+% could be. No, it’s just easy and smooth going down. The pineapple essence is a fruit additive, like its predecessor, Mosaic Papaya Pale Ale. With a frothy, off-white abundant head and gorgeous golden hue, this Mosaic is as good looking as it is good tasting. Pineapple tones right up front mixed with late hop bittering brings this beer alive.
So, with the many other offerings from the Woodstock Brewery, you may want to try many of them, especially Pig’s Ear Brown Ale. You can find Mosaic Pineapple Pale Ale at Case-n-Keg in Meredith as well as other fine beer stores, available in 16 oz four packs. BeerAdvocate.com gave the previous Mosaic Papaya Pale Ale an 87 out of 100 rating, listing it as ‘Very Good’. Find your mosaic opportunity and get started on a great day!