Let’s Get NH Open For Business – Soon!

by Brendan Smith
Weirs Times Editor

We all Understand What We Need To Do.
I am in my mid-sixties with underlying health issues. I get it.
I probably won’t be going out any place where there are crowds for a while.
I’ll probably keep wearing a mask when I go shopping. I’ll bring some hand sanitizer and I’ll keep washing my hands. I’ll try to keep six feet away from others and I’ll be vigilant about my own health.
But let’s let the 120,000 people in the state who have lost their jobs get back to work for goodness sake.

Sure, there will be some businesses that will have to make adjustments and some of us will have to be more careful than others. I think we all get that. We’ve been told over and over on the news what we should be doing to keep ourselves safe, and it’s good advice to be adhered to.

Let’s face it, folks are getting a little stir crazy with the Stay At Home Order. We’ve all learned what we need to do to stay safe. Now it’s time to get started opening our state up again and let the 120,000 suddenly unemployed Granite Staters go back to work.

Will I still catch the Coronavirus? Maybe. But, I’ll do my best not to. Just as I try my best to not have dozens of other potential problems happen to me.
I drive the speed limit and use my blinkers; I have somebody hold the ladder if I climb and I check the sodium content on the food I purchase.
The list is long.
Right now, I am more concerned with the tens of thousands of hard-working people in New Hampshire being deprived of their livelihood and the necessity to provide for their families because someone like me might catch the virus.
Now, That’s scary!
I agree with the early, hard decisions Governor Sununu had to make and realize things could have been worse here in New Hampshire, but now it’s time to switch gears.
I keep hearing we are in this together. Nothing could be more accurate when talking about getting people, many of them our neighbors, back to work.
We all just need to be smart and vigilant going forward. We know that.

Let New Hampshire Open For Business!

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