On The Trails & Summits

Amy Patenaude is the Weirs Times Outdoor Columnist. She is a life-long resident of New Hampshire, born in Concord and now a Henniker resident.

Amy has been writing her bi-weekly column for the Weirs Times since 2000. Amy travels to the highest peaks as well as to the more obscure places of nature throughout the state of New Hampshire and beyond. Amy’s international treks have also taken her from the Virgin Islands to Ireland and places in between. Each visit brought to life in her own personal style.

When Amy isn’t researching a column for the Weirs Times you might find her competing in a cross-country or alpine race, just to relax.

So, whether it’s a cross-country ski-trip, a hike through the known and unknown trails of New Hampshire or an exotic adventure to places “away”, Amy is sure to surprise even the most seasoned outdoor enthusiast with her adventurous, educational and fun experiences in the great outdoors.

Bolduc Park -Piche’s Ski Touring Center

PHOTO: Yours truly kicking and gliding on the cross country ski trails at Bolduc Park. I recommend reading on the Bolducpark.org website the Thompson-Ames Historical […]

Cool Day At Ragged

PHOTO: On top of Ragged Mountain Lori and Kris are ready to ski! No skin is showing, the frosty cold couldn’t catch them. There is […]

Ski Season Right Ahead

PHOTO: We can’t wait for the snow to cover the trails at Jackson XC. Jackson XC is extending its snowmaking to include additional distance on […]

Winniweta Falls

PHOTO: Bria crossing the Ellis River at the beginning of the Winniweta Falls Trail in Jackson. At times at high water the Ellis River can […]

Muchyedo Banks Paddle

PHOTO: Becca paddles past the statue of Hannah Duston where the Contoocook meets the Merrimack Rivers. The memorial was erected in 1874 and is the […]

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