Resolve To Make It A Fun Winter!

Early morning snow at the top of Pats Peak’s Hurricane Triple. Make it your New Year’s Resolution to make it to the top of a mountain in 2017!

by Amy Patenaude
Outdoor/Ski Writer

Sometimes I just don’t know where the time goes, but I am convinced that winter is too short. There are just too many fun things to do when the weather is cold and snowy. I want to ski every day, snowshoe up mountains every day and try new things every day.
The New Year is about to begin and the ski areas and Nordic centers have already been open for many weeks. Have you made your New Year’s Resolution yet? Why not make your resolution to make your winter fun! Choose to do something you love or choose to try something new.


Friends getting ready to go cross-country skiing. Waterville Valley is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this season.

Here are a few suggestions of easy to keep-make your winter fun New Year Resolutions:

Just Do It More

Ski or snowboard—resolve to do it more! Buy a season pass, join an adult race league team and/or plan a weekend of skiing and riding at a “new to you” resort. Ski New Hampshire has 33 alpine and Nordic member resorts. Have you been to all of them yet? Visit

Do It Better

If you ski or snowboard do it better. Get coached, take a lesson. The world’s best giant slalom racers and cross-country ski sprinters work hard to improve their technique by spending hours working with their coaches and practicing. You can be coached too. Snowsports professionals at your local ski area offer lessons and programs for everyone from novices to experts.
Gunstock has adult ski race training in January on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Waterville Valley’s Adventure Center Nordic Women’s Ski Group meets on Mondays and Fridays—try performance cross-country equipment and ski with a top instructor. Check out what the resorts have to offer, I bet you’ll find something that’s perfect for you.

Early morning snow at the top of Pats Peak’s Hurricane Triple. Make it your New Year’s Resolution to make it to the top of a mountain in 2017!

Share The Fun

Take someone to the slopes. I am sure you have a good friend or family member who has never been to a ski area. Give them a hand, make sure they’re dressed properly in warm layers. Loan them your old goggles and sign up for a “learn to” program. Go with them, show them what a friendly place a ski area can be if they give it a chance. (And after the outing you can introduce them to the Apres Ski Fun!)
January is learn to Ski and Snowboard Month in New Hampshire. For just $39—rentals, lift ticket and a lesson are offered at most resorts—Gunstock, Pats Peak, Cannon, Bretton Woods and Jackson & Great Glen Nordic Centers and more. Pre-registration is required.

Cross-country skiers enjoying the wintry scene on Waterville Valley.


When was the last time you went Snowtubing? Snowtubing is fun way to slide on snow and it takes no special skills. If you can sit in a chair you can snowtube! King Pine, Cranmore, Gunstock, Pats Peak, Loon Mountain and more offer day and night Snowtubing sessions.

Lake Sunapee is covered with snow and Mount Sunapee’s trails are too!

Canopy Tours and Ziplines

Yours truly and Becca having a good time night skiing last Wednesday night at Crotched Mountain. Night skiing is fun. These areas light their slopes: Abenaki, Bretton Woods, Cranmore Mountain, Pats Peak, Granite Gorge, Gunstock, King Pine, McIntyre, Whaleback and Storrs Hill.

While many of the resorts offer summer canopy tours and ziplines, Bretton Woods does it right during the winter too. The three-hour tour travels through the forest canopy utilizing ziplines and sky bridges. While no special skills are required, the ability to climb ladders and walk in snow are necessary to enjoy this wild outdoor experience. I highly recommend trying this adventure in the winter. There is nothing like flying over a mountain in the White Mountains.
I am crazy about winter fun.
Have a Happy New Year.


Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or suggestions to her at:

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