Sowing & Reaping

Contributing Columnist
Question: What do actress Lori Loughlin, Sara Lawrence College administrators, and the government of Finland have in common?
Answer: They are current reminders of the eternal wisdom found in the Bible. Specifically, Galatians 6:7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (King James Version)
Due to her Hollywood star status and the wonderful schadenfreude any fair-minded person rightly feels about her situation, Loughlin’s college-cheating scandal made a bigger splash than the other two examples. Anytime the privileged are exposed as the hypocrites, we hoi polloi just can’t avert our eyes.
According to the criminal complaint, Loughlin and her fashion-designer husband agreed to pay a half-million-dollar bribe to guarantee their two daughters were selected as recruits for the University of Southern California crew team. Neither child had participated in the sport; both were accepted to competitive USC.
Meanwhile, on the other Blue Coast, the social-justice-warrior children at Sarah Lawrence College staged a sit-in. Something called the “Diaspora Coalition,” a self-described “group of students who can speak to the injustices imposed on people of color,” chose to occupy an administration building to commemorate the 50th anniversary of a similar protest in the heady days of 1969.
This Diaspora Coalition claimed to “address the pain of marginalized students as well as to advise the administration on how to best address this pain.” Their demands included:
— Campus laundry rooms are to supply laundry detergent and softener on a consistent basis for all students, faculty and staff.
— A food plan where every student has access to, at minimum, two meals a day, including weekends, school breaks, and days when the college is closed due to weather. When dining options are closed on campus, the College must provide free meals for students staying on campus, including vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan, halal, and kosher options.
— A mandatory first-year orientation session about intellectual elitism and classism.
The school’s motto: Wisdom with understanding. Annual cost to attend for one year: $70,266. BA/BS degrees awarded: Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities. No wonder they are demanding free food and detergent…next will be free health care and college debt forgiveness. With their (lack of) education, they are the perfect rubes to fall for the Green New Deal.
On to Scandinavia, where Bernie Sanders’ favorite example of socialist-lite paradise just lost its government. According to news reports, Finland’s Prime Minister stepped down after failing to overhaul the nation’s health services and social welfare system. One wag posted “Finland’s Government Collapses; Bernie 2020 Hardest Hit.”
Indeed, Sanders has long shoved Finland’s social welfare system in American faces. But as the Washington Free Beacon noted, “Nordic countries, where comprehensive welfare is the cornerstone of the social model, have been among the most affected [by soaring treatment costs and longer life spans]” but “reform has been controversial and, in Finland, plans to cut costs and boost efficiency have stalled for years.”
If a nation of 5.5 million people – fewer than the state of Minnesota – with slow population growth and relative ethnic homogeneity can’t figure out the math to make “social democrat” policies work, what hope do such policies have in the United States?
Any honest, rational, thinking person knows the answer to that question. This is why the Left has focused decades of effort sowing the seeds of ignorance in our school systems and envy in our social systems. They are now working feverishly to reap what they’ve sown before the next election.
We see the result in how the “elites” shamelessly game the system to gain what they haven’t earned, while telling the rest of us that we are deplorable for wanting to keep more of what we have earned.
We see it on college campuses, with students’ endless demands for more free stuff while they pursue degrees that previous generations considered hobbies, heedless of their future marketability and earning power.
We see it in our politics, when elected officials make promises that defy physics and basic math while dividing us into antagonistic groups competing for government handouts, standing E pluribus unum on its head.
While the Left has been reaping its diseased crop it hasn’t stopped sowing. How else to explain the Democrat’s obsession with expanding the voting franchise while stymieing efforts to combat election fraud?
There’s something terribly wrong when one political party knows it gains advantage by enfranchising 16-year-olds, the least-educated, least-experienced not-yet-adults, with not-yet-fully-formed brains; convicted felons who have taken more from society than they can ever repay; and citizens of other nations who have broken our laws to live among us illegally.
At least the Democrats know to whom their insane policy ideas most appeal.
Ken Gorrell can be reached at