Sympatico – Two Like Minded Artists

By Kimberly J.B. Smith
Contributing Writer
There is a new show at The Studio in Laconia running now through March 19. Two artists will be sharing their creative pursuits and you will not be disappointed. The artists are Carole Groenke and Cilla Sheehan. Their artworks are similar in their capacity to develop compositions that give new life to all manner of objects.
Carole is a collector of inspirations. Included in her work are items such as metal fragments from dilapidated cars. These pieces reveal the magnificent process that nature’s decay has on metal. Found along roadsides, Carole sees in her “mind’s eye,” a fully formed arrangement of elements. Manipulating materials and layering them to create movement is what Carole does best. Using the surrealist strategy of juxtaposing of disparate objects serves her well.
Cilla is a collector of memories. Included in her work are objects whose past lives are over. Each lost or forgotten object arrives ready for Cilla to do her creative work. Cilla finds auspicious opportunities for each object’s artistic reappearance. The compositions are respectful of the past while creating an intellectual piece for the present.
Both artists are self-taught. What does that mean? My view on this is that learning the skills of an artist is available to all. The way each person uses their one of a kind perspective is what really makes an artist. Both of these artists have a unique story to tell in the works you will see at The Studio.
The Studio is located on 50 Canal Street in Laconia. The owner of this establishment is none other than the multi-talented Melissa McCarthy. Melissa is an artist, singer, business woman and she has an eye for art too. Melissa regularly has art openings as part of her repertoire. And her openings are always fun. No stuffy openings here! Whenever you visit, Melissa will make your visit enjoyable and you will undoubtedly find yourself frequenting her store for the unique gifts, clothes and also the art, of course!
The show titled Sympatico opened February 19. The show runs through March 19.
Kimberly J.B. Smith is an artist and art educator. Visit her website to see her work at You can also see her artwork at the Lakes Region Art Association Gallery at the Tanger Outlet in Tilton, NH.